“I’d like a heterogeneous architecture sbc please”
They have played us for absolute fools.
“I’d like a heterogeneous architecture sbc please”
They have played us for absolute fools.
As someone on a diet: fuck OP for posting this
It’s been a long road
First world graffiti-mask-profile-picture cringe.
Is it not time to retire the tradgirl image macro?
Interesting that we’ve made progress on world hunger to the extent that 1 in 5 kids is now overfed, I swear when i grew up we were told child hunger was ubiquitous in the majority of the world’s population
Don’t use plungers, just use a heap of oxygen bleach and possibly also soap (and time)
I have never know if it’s a ‘therapist’ "how are you? " or a ‘this is how two humans begin conversations’ “how are you?”
Can they not just go around the reservation?
It’s a bit ‘terminally online’ at times, but only a bit more than Reddit
Five calls Jeremy? Five? That’s insane