Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • Interesting point. However medieval cities with populations of 70-100k were not uncommon (like say Prague or Antwerp). The problem I’m talking about happens WAY before that. Like even at a couple of thousand things pretty obviously grind to a halt and the population becomes more and more miserable. It’s just depressing because you do all this work and then nothing works and you can’t do anything about it. In real life homes would be bought and sold as people needed to move to other areas which would solve the runaway commuting effect. Maybe what Foundation needs is an estate agent/realtor :)

  • I played this when it first came out and loved it so much. Unfortunately, as it developed it just went in a bunch of directions that made it less and less fun to play. I still try and play it occasionally but there’s so much that gets in the way of enjoying it now. It feels like it got the “too many chefs” treatment and now it’s just not anything like as much fun as it was. I’m not joking when I say it kind of broke my heart to see it basically loose it’s way so much. It also still struggles with an issue they’ve never really resolved which is that when your town grows and your workers end up having to travel further and further away from their workplaces everything becomes inefficient. Every town I’ve made eventually spirals down into this issue and you can’t just delete all the houses and force people to build homes nearer their workplaces cos it’s insanely expensive and produces very unpredictable results. It’s just a shame. TL;DR Used to be great but is kind of not great now (in my opinion of course. Your mileage may vary).

  • There’s a relationship cheat code I use all the time. It usually stops everything in it’s tracks and sets you on a much more positive path, especially if they’re not used to you doing this. When you find yourself at that point in a conversation where you’re about to shout something like “OH FFS! WHAT’S THE MATTER NOW?!” instead… you pause, look at them, tilt your head a bit, narrow your eyes thoughtfully and say as calmly as you can “What do you need?”. No matter how mad they get after that you just keep asking that question until they respond to it. If you haven’t done that before it may take them a while to even notice you asked that question. Just keep going. Oh also top tip… when they tell you what they need don’t invalidate it. It’s hard for a lot of people to directly tell you what they actually need. If they do then they’re trusting you to listen. Breaking that trust will take you right back to square one.

  • It’s crazy the amount of AI image and video generators popping up right now that are “free” if you would just be a sweetie and give them your email address. I had one recently that only allowed gmail, presumably to make it harder for people to just use an anti spam inbox. People just don’t realise how valuable a fresh, active email address is. If I see anything like that these days I nope out immediately.

  • “Today’s hype will have lasting effects that constrain tomorrow’s possibilities.”

    Nope. No it won’t. I’d love to have the patience to be more diplomatic but they’re just wrong… and dumb.

    I’m getting so sick of these anti AI cultists who seem to be made up of grumpy tech nerds behaving like “I was using AI before it was cool” hipsters and panicking artists and writers. Everyone needs to calm their tits right down. AI isn’t going anywhere. It’s giving creative and executive options to millions of people that just weren’t there before.

    We’re in an adjustment phase right now and boundaries are being re-drawn around what constitutes creativity. My leading theory at the moment is that we’ll all mostly eventually settle down to the idea that AI is just a tool. Once we’re used to it and less starry eyed about it’s output then individual creativity, possibly supported by AI tools, will flourish again. It’s going to come down to the question of whether you prefer reading something cogitated, written, drawn or motion rendered by AI or you enjoy the perspective of a human being more. Both will be true in different scenarios I expect.

    Honestly, I’ve had to nope out of quite a few forums and servers permanently now because all they do in there is circlejerk about the death of AI. Like this one theory that keeps popping up that image generating AI specifically is inevitably going to collapse in on itself and stop producing quality images. The reverse is so obviously true but they just don’t want to see it. Otherwise smart people are just being so stubborn with this and it’s, quite frankly, depressing to see.

    Also, the tech nerds arguing that AI is just a fancy word and pixel regurgitating engine and that we’ll never have an AGI are probably the same people that were really hoping Data would be classified as a sentient lifeform when Bruce Maddox wanted to dissassemble him in “The Measure of a Man”.

    How’s that for whiplash?