If you just do the side quests before progressing the main quests you should have no problem progressing in any borderlands game. You should never have to go farm unremarkable areas that don’t have side quests.
If you just do the side quests before progressing the main quests you should have no problem progressing in any borderlands game. You should never have to go farm unremarkable areas that don’t have side quests.
White Wine in the Sun is a beautifully, refreshingly different Christmas song.
Not Perfect is another awesome non-funny song.
Rock & Roll Nerd is borderline humor but another absolutely amazing song thar doesn’t stress the comedy.
You take that back
I have no snout yet I must oink.
There are Americans who own chickens and Americans who’ve never touched one. It’s a big country. This post applies mostly to city folk.
Fun fact you can talk to just about anything
I do that with my dishes too
I block ads too but do you expect them to host one of the world’s largest collections of data just because?
One time my pet tortoise bit my big toe thinking it was food and he took an entire chunk out of my flesh. Reptiles are not to be underestimated.
When I played that game, it didn’t have a lobby. But it sounds like you had to basically pause the game to advance, which is just bad design if you ask me.
Still, that game is amazing
It would have 6 comments max
I was in a bf2 clan that was pretty tight knit. I have good memories of that. I was also in another clan when I was 14 and one of the older guys tried to groom me. No DoT, I don’t want to masturbate with you
I have a hard time seeing the left guy being inside.
Cutting them changes their flavor. They’re not as good when you cut them.
Depends how much fuckery is going on. If other trades are lying about their progress (which happens a lot) then sometimes the whole day is spent documenting instead of working. If everything goes smoothly though it’s probably 5-10 minutes of documenting per hour of work.
Document every single thing that causes you to change your work plan and who is responsible for said change. Getting the job done is secondary to making sure anything you do can be billed to someone, and you better not do anything that helps the job get done if you can’t bill for it.
Construction is fun.
It practically forces you to figure out cold weather on the plateau.
Yes but unironically. My sense of humor should be accepted by the entire world.
I have no idea what this means