It’s the an extension for Google Passwords? It’s my password manager for all my devices.
I would love to switch to Firefox, but I don’t want to open chrome every time I need a to retrieve/save a password.
It’s the an extension for Google Passwords? It’s my password manager for all my devices.
I would love to switch to Firefox, but I don’t want to open chrome every time I need a to retrieve/save a password.
I might be mistaken then, but doesn’t part of Net Neutrality mean that telecommunication companies can’t throttle unlimited plans?
I used the phone app and started a chat. Here’s what I asked, and their response:
T-Mobile users; be aware that T-Mobile has prepared for this and are trying to automatically transition grandfathered accounts with unlimited everything into their new plans.
I’m not 100% sure if the coverage of the new plans are technically worse, but they’re definitely more expensive. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the new plans had contact language to do a rug pull in the future.
You need to opt out of the transition.
I’m still rocking Jerboa on Android. It has been totally inoffensive, and I’ll probably just stick with it until it offends me somehow.
Form me personally, I’d have to say my automated espresso machine. For context; I was buying 1-2 coffees from a shop per day (let’s say 10/week on average).
Cost me $700 on a sale. Grinds & presses the beans by itself, then pushes boiling water through to give me espresso shots. It paid for itself in 6 months of ownership by weening me off the local shops, and it’s lasted for over 6 years so far.
Instead of ~$4.50 per coffee, it’s like $24 for a bulk bag of beans at Costco that lasts me 3 weeks, and a carton of half-and-half that lasts me like a month. That’s like $180/mo → $35/mo
I finally broke the shackles of Baldurs Gate 3, and now I’m playing… Split screen Baldurs Gate 3 with my wife! It’s genuinely just so good…
I can attest that my comment was made in isolation. I intentionally didn’t look at conversations or reviews and wanted a fresh experience all to myself. So I’m not parroting or trying to push some negative narrative.
Now that I’ve slept on it, I’m going to dive back in with my expectations reduced, and I’m hoping I’ll have lots of fun with it.
One thing I can say so far after a few hours is that their advertising department and Inon Zur did a masterful job capturing a whimsical aesthetic that nostalgically reminds me of some educational TV space shows like Cosmos.
Now that I’m playing the game, it feels significantly more clunky than that, and I haven’t gotten as immersed into that aesthetic as I had hoped. Really just FEELS like Fallout in space so far, which is a bit disappointing.
There’s also significantly more load screens than I had hoped. I’ve been spoiled by No Man’s Sky, thought we’d be getting some seamless transitions to planets and cities. Seems bizarre that we just fast travel through the starmap.
The reduction in save file size is appreciated, but unfortunately it appears to be rather minimal. Just tested it on a couple of saves - after loading an existing file and immediately savings, looks like it went down from
So, only a 1MiB reduction it seems… So, still need to manage like 15 GiB of save files, lol
Actually, I see it in the options 😃
Endless Scrolling + Auto Load More
Holy christ, there’s no going back now, lol. This is BEAUTIFUL.
Is it possible to add infinite scrolling?
Actually, in 2022 there were 94m barrels produced globally per day. So this is 2%. Statistically, not insignificant. Hopefully it’ll continue to grow rapidly.