This makes me think of the sunk cost fallacy. I figure they are so heavily invested at this point that they are doubling down. If they don’t have Trump to back their views, they might realize being a bigot isn’t cool.
This makes me think of the sunk cost fallacy. I figure they are so heavily invested at this point that they are doubling down. If they don’t have Trump to back their views, they might realize being a bigot isn’t cool.
Nonsexual/therapeutic manual therapy/massage/bodywork page with research, techniques, theory, etc. anytime I try to find one, I only get porn ones.
When we sleep, the monsters are at our 6.
Left/right are ambiguous terms.
Your solution would be a great way to practice spatial awareness. Could get exhausting constantly reorienting to where is north, but would benefit us in any post apocalyptic future.
I’ll have to counter his argument with this. I think it nullifies the standing at the foot line of thinking.
Nice job renaming stage and audience to bed and standing. I would’ve used their original terms. Our bed is not a stage and we don’t entertain an audience so that would’ve gotten weird/entertaining at some point.
And absolutely agree. I was dumbfounded when he said otherwise. There’s a good few who agree with the logic. Personifying the bed breaks that logic though.
Fair point. Complicated descriptions may have an exaggeration, but relative to simply left/right it’s still mildly accurate. I’m not a sensory thinker so pulling from objects other than what I’m referencing seems like adding a few extra cognitive steps. Silly, I’m aware, but that’s my brain.
A very realistic answer. It’s unlikely either of us will concede so this is will be a perpetual joke.
Happy to hear we aren’t the only ones.
Driver and passenger side confuses me more because of your last point. It’s backwards. But it still needs to be named foot of the bed and not head because it’s where it feet go. So your first point also makes sense. Both are right and wrong at the same time
Your logic is that of my BFs.
If the bed to be used with people in it, I think that perspective should be the fixed perspective how it is used. If you’re partner is on your right hand side, the side you sleep on is the left.
Oh, you are a witty one. Good answer.
Hamas is a terrorist group. Not all Palestinians are Hamas. Israel is targeting Hamas. They have done their best to minimize Palestinian civilian causalities. It’s not genocide. If they were going for genocide, this would have been over with a long time ago.
The problem is, we as the general public, have gut reactions to things we don’t understand and aren’t directly involved in. This is made worse with misinformation and poor Internet literacy.
Another problem is that many Americans’ view points are sympathetic to terrorists. But, as I’ve heard somewhere “one person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.” These people believe Hamas aren’t terrorists and are wrongly being fired upon, therefore Israel is bad.
Another group, Trump supporters and the like, will twist anything Biden does negatively because it doesn’t align with their narrative.
This gave me the same visceral reaction as nail-based torture scenes in movies.
As we go into battle, may you have the courage of a 1,000 male carpenter bees! But oh! For all we stand for: please have more than their intelligence.
If they weren’t so rare I wonder how many people would catch, dry and cast in resin to make jewelry with them.
Lessons from movies that streaming services didn’t learn:
“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
It’s a combination of anticipatory and time anxieties mixed with energy conservation.
If they feed the bull pineapple it’ll taste better.
It’s rarely about time but rather energetic resources - whether mental or physical. Most of us have the time, but not the energy to maximize it.