I need that time before my appointment to pace back and forth worrying that I might miss my appointment
Oh absolutely. Frankly I can’t imagine it being any other way.
Whenever possible, I schedule things as early as possible on the day. I’ll take that 8 AM dental appointment or whatever. And it’s not just unpleasant things either. I also prefer a cinema visit as early as possible for example.
I definitely feel like my day is ‘on pause’ whenever I’m doing a thing later in the day. It’s very annoying not to be able to enjoy the rest of your day because of it. So, early it is.
Glad I’m not the only one who prefers the early appointments for movies. I like going like 3 or 4 weeks after premier on a Sunday morning.
There’s more of us… but: we are a rare species.
We got a brand new nine screen cinema back in december 2022. They actually run movies in the morning. Not all of them, unfortunately, but you certainly have good options around noon.
I love movies, but people not so much. So I usually pick the quietest showings. Sometimes I’ll see a movie in a completely empty theater. Friday afternoon around 4-5 PM is good for that.
I’ve actually got an unlimited movie pass, so I can see everything when I want. Usually the day or week it comes out. I’m seeing the new Planet of the Apes in… three hours.
I feel so seen right now.
That’s why I try my best to make the earliest possible appointments
8am appointment, but you still can’t make any plans all day in case it runs long.
8am but after you get through the appointment you give yourself permission to goof off the whole day because you already got something done. 😞
Nope, I just wouldn’t be able to sleep the night before.
Then I can’t do anything the night before because I have to get up early
Can’t take the risk of getting in the middle of something, losing track of time, and being late to/missing the appointment.
Hey Google, set an alarm for 3 pm called 'get ready for appointment ’
I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Try again?
It’s a combination of anticipatory and time anxieties mixed with energy conservation.
this is why when I had flexible hours at a previous job I started at 4am. it was also to not get stuck behind a train fpr 45min to 2 hours. Now I can’t wake up that early without feeling dead. I dont know what happened.
What kinds of appointments are you guys making that are so stressful?
I think it’s general anxiety. I get butterflies in my stomach when I do anything off my routine. Even if it’s just hanging with friends. What do I wear, how do I get there, will I know people, should I bring something?
I don’t have an appointment, and I still can’t do anything all day
I’ve been getting better at this! I have a pretty good idea of how quick certain outings to eateries, groceries, or other basics can be. I estimate only a small half hour from the appointment in question, and leave that as a buffer. It helps that my body has been waking me up early in the morning, somewhat against my wishes. It’s weird for a gamer like myself to realize how many hours are actually in the morning.
Doesn’t have to be permanent.
So do something. Nobody can do it for you
She can’t, she has an appointment at 4.