Tardigrades are effectively invisible to the naked eye, so it might be rather disappointing.
Tardigrades are effectively invisible to the naked eye, so it might be rather disappointing.
What makes high-end philanthropy different from low-end philanthropy? Don’t they both get the same tax cuts?
30 hours is what’s normally considered full time, but there is no federally mandated minimum, so it’s really up to the individual employers.
Why would we need such a strong sensitivity to it?
$20 for a single article of underwear?
Technically, you can’t say that He/Him are God’s preferred pronouns because the capitalization doesn’t appear in the oldest texts. They are more a matter of tradition than of reality. However, you could say that’s even worse because Christians have embraced these neopronouns on God’s behalf.
What does ERB stand for?
HINT: zoom in on the kid’s hands.
If you look at pictures of people doing a “human flag pole” you’ll see that they all have their arms spread wide, with one hand above them and the other one below. And if you look at the guy in the background, you can see he is looking at the guys feet instead of at the man himself. So, yes, this old guy is absolutely being lifted up by his feet.
I don’t understand the last panel, why is he wearing mice for hair?
I think you are on the right train of thought for this. A real person injecting themselves probably should be considered a NSFW image but a cartoon/meme character shouldn’t be.
Ideally we would have NSFW, NSFL, and something like NSFG (Not Safe For Grandma) tags.
Mango juice is legitimately too sweet for me.
Can somebody explain to me why it’s taking so long for Tate to get sentenced?
I believe you are looking for hydrostatic equilibrium. There don’t seem to be good answers for this online, but according to Robert Black on this Quora post:
There isn’t a minimium per se but the generally accepted number for a mass to form into a sphere under its own gravity is 1/10,000th the mass of the Earth or 600 quintillion kg. As for size, it really depends on the composition of the body. The numbers are generally accepted to have a diameter of about 600km for a rocky body.
A quintillion is 1 x 10 to the 18th and Phobos has a mass of 1.0659 x 10 to the 16th kilograms and a diameter of 22 kilometers.
I guess it depends on the employer. I don’t do office work myself, but according to what I’ve heard from my wife about her jobs in banking adjacent fields, she has a few different queues of things to do that everyone takes from.
The way you phrased this could go either way: were you never taking on more work, no matter how obviously it needed to get done, just because you weren’t explicitly told to do that job? Because that would be a fair criticism in my estimation.
That’s not what they are saying at all. They’re saying small vehicles aren’t even safe in crashes with other small vehicles, let alone with bigger vehicles.
Pinus Radiata on Wikipedia