The problem is that we already value our land as much as Russia does, so we resist them taking it.
The problem is that we already value our land as much as Russia does, so we resist them taking it.
All of the best creatures are on the block chain.
It’s also nice because I can charge my entire family’s phones all at once. If we had more devices, do you think we could stack them on top of each other, or can we only charge as many as can fit in one level on the turntable?
I am surprised no one told them that the economy is doing well. I know that sure put my mind to rest when we had to tighten the belt.
It’s too bad Apple don’t think all the thoughts I want to think for me anymore. Oh well. 8GB of RAM is all I need, and I have removed “You’re welcome” from my lexicon.
He would have had to cut his all expense paid yacht trip short.
Oh, nice! Thanks!
This is such a pointless, and, to me, not even remotely funny thing that someone obviously spent a lot of time and effort on. It made me miss the Awful Taste But Great Execution subreddits.
cough android
I am surprised no one has mentioned cost yet. If a school suggest parents send their kids to therapy, but the bill is completely on the parents and they can’t afford it, that’s a pretty short conversation.
Noy OP, but I canceled all of Prime. I haven’t used anything but video and shipping from it for months already. Almost everything I want to see on Prime Video requires renting/buying or getting a subscription to some other service through Amazon.
We didn’t buy enough stuff on Amazon last year to justify the cost via shipping either, even considering Christmas gift purchases.
I searched for “colored Willies” to see what that would look like. It was not what I expected.
Are they going to celebrate their two genders in a theater?
So should these be able to reach all the way to hospital basements?
Is that a thing now?
I agree with them. Your review sounds like, “This restaurant’s food is terrible because the owner hit my car in the parking lot.”
Picked up Skyrim Special Edition for PS4 used a while back for $5. I got the free upgrade to the PS5 version and have been playing Skyrim with my son for his first time. I am enjoying playing it again with better graphics, and he’s loving seeing it for the first time.
I worked for a kind of IT outsourcing center for a company that otherwise had a very good reputation. We were their cheap, crappy branch. They still had decent severance packages as a vestige of when they used to be a decent company. When they had a round of layoffs at our site, after a few days of calling people into the office and seeing them come out crying, I started to do the math. I would be paid well enough for a few months if I got laid off. I would finally have the time and mental energy to job search and move on. At the end of the week, when they announced that all of the people had been laid off that would be affected, I found I was disapointed. That’s when I realized how truly toxic that place was, how much I hated it, and how badly I needed to move on.
They give the example of “job” vs “occupation” but then talk about the headlines "Meghan and Harry are talking to Oprah. Here’s why they shouldn’t say too much” vs. “Are Meghan and Harry spilling royal tea to Oprah? Don’t bet on it.”
This doesn’t seem to fit the simple words narrative they just set up. To me, this is standard language vs. slang. The first one sounds like it may be objective and fact-based, and the second sounds like it was written by a gabby middle schooler.
I would likely not be interested in the content either way, but I would be far more likely to click on the drivel-free headline.