Sound would be nice
Sound would be nice
Doesn’t need to tank performance. Instead of turning on the lighting elsewhere, they could turn it off in character creation so you can see what it’ll actually look like.
Seriously, everything will kill you. Just do whatever the fuck makes you happy until then.
Formula 1, but talking about it here really isn’t the same. I want to have a conversation with someone about it, get excited, or upset, with them, the internet just doesn’t do it.
No, people who are depressed are more likely to search for coping mechanisms.
Confirmed by Russia. So really, no new information.
Do you add 🤣 like a laugh track? You know what was said was unfunny, but maybe the emoticon will encourage people to laugh?
I’d say “addiction”.
You should probably get off the computer for a while and go outside.
Nah, funyuns are nasty, I really don’t know how people eat them, and I love onions. Meatloaf is delicious though (if made well, it can also be nasty).
Guess I’ll have to enjoy what’s been made thus far, and accept that there likely won’t be anything good made in the future.
Are they serious with this? This is a joke right? No way someone looks at that and say “yep, this looks awesome for 2023”. I’ll pay $10 for this, only because I’m a huge lotr fan, but $10 is my upper limit for what I just saw.
I’m literally logged into an account for porn specifically, and I don’t have this problem. I just selct “hide nsfw” and almost never see anything nsfw on all.
This is the first time I’ve ever thought about them.
The article is literally laying a path forward while still using ships. The fuck are you on about?
Bold move cotton, let’s see how it plays out.
I can live without olives. The world may even be a better place for it.
Best thing to do, is not buy the game at all. Whales don’t like spending money in empty games, they have no one to show off to. Simply avoiding the mtx isn’t good enough.
No, I’d rather block you.