Tell me about it, I’ve worked with AI generation images and the aesthetic is so easily recognized its and lazy addition to journalism
Tell me about it, I’ve worked with AI generation images and the aesthetic is so easily recognized its and lazy addition to journalism
Lawful evil
These comics are meh…
Not trying to mean but if you can accomplish the same message with text only, you’re not using the comic format well.
I hate this fucking trend but I appreciate the (not AI) content for once
It’s trying so hard to not be racist that is being even more racist than other AI, is hilarious
W H A T. T H E. F U C K
Your best photo, those puppies look firm!
They do suck and a lot of people agree, but oh no don’t ever try to go against the popular opinion… Geez
Pihole user for more than 5 years,.can confirm that it is indeed better, made the switch few months ago
My thought exactly, and I don’t feel like missing out either
Man… This one is so good thanks for recommending
Idgf he’s a good person or not, he’s supposed to rule a country and stabilize the economy for the argentinian people. Since he’s not aligned with the popular party of the Internet he’s getting so much hate and from people that haven’t even been to south America.
Ffs stop trying to spread hate on this guy, at least try harder, biased articles and no context titles are not helping your dumb agenda either
Talks with the Cuban regimen/dictatorship? Maybe ask Mexico’s president what he thinks of the thousands of Cubans that flee the island every year and the cruelty that the regimen show to their own citizens. Of course he will have no comments since they’re on the same team.
Internet trolls can downvote all you want, this is not reddit you don’t have the same leverage here.
Lol sound is not the selling point for any of those pods. Portability is the name of the game