Shit I think I actually have that one
Shit I think I actually have that one
yeah but the regular Vectis is single shot, making it better with charged/prime chamber
man why the fuck do all these ADHD memes have to be so relevant?
ah, makes sense why it wouldn’t take the playlists i exported from youtube then.
switched to freetube yesterday, pretty good so far, though I cant figure how to import my playlists over.
“pulled pork” Seitan is probably my favorite fake meat, its got the right mouthfeel.
Haven’t been too satisfied with Tofu, its ok, but there’s no pretending its not bean cheese.
In season 4 of Game of Thrones, Arya was telling Sandor how the Mountain’s men killed her friend Lommy.
Sandor grumpily asks “What the fuck is a Lommy?” Which became a little bit of a meme.
“What the fuck is a Lemmy” is a spin off meme of that sort of.
Look, if you are looking to use reddit without supporting it, your best bet is to:
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-4 Never up/down vote anything, or report anything. Reddit wants you to curate their content for free, fuck that!
Grew up in a house that had a half dirt basement. House was built on a hillside where the topsoil is pretty thin and excavating out bedrock would have been pretty expensive. I suppose im using ‘dirt’ pretty loosely, most of the actual dirt was scoured away before the foundations were poured, so it was really just bare rock.
Im in Newfoundland.
Wait times in the emergency room aren’t too bad. Its very heavily triaged so if you go in with a major emergency you will basically be seen immediately, but if you go in with something minor you might have to wait a few hours, especially if there are any respiratory illnesses going around. Children and elderly patients struggling to breathe take priority over an otherwise healthy adult with a wound that just needs a few stitches.
Getting a family doctor can be difficult. There just aren’t enough to go around.
Seeing a specialist will usually involve a long wait list (a few weeks to a few months depending on what they specialize in), so its best to book an appointment as soon as you can. You may have to travel to St.Johns so there might be some travel expenses. Growing up I had to see an ENT in St.Johns every summer for a checkup, so we just turned the visit into a camping trip.
-50 social credit!
the space requirements is the real killer for phyllo and puff pastries. I dont even know if i could fit a wad of rolled out puff pastry in my fridge.
Dwarf raspberry/dewberry. My pop used to call it ‘gumbo’ for some reason.
Its a tiny little raspberry plant that produces one berry per plant, so its hard to get it in any quantity.
The fruit itself is more juicy than a regular raspberry, and tastes more like fake raspberry flavored candy. Its always a treat to find these while hiking.
Let them think humanity is 99% buff oily badasses in speedos who will gladly fuck you up until their dying breath.
would love to see it done as a mockumentary mini series, like it already has the format built in!
the cock tumbler!
Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus Just embodies the Techpreist vibe so well, a near perfect hybrid of church organs and industrial music.
Its actually hard to pick a favorite track, it evenly split between Children of the Omnissiah and Noosphere.
New World.
Started off as a PvP mmo with a focus on territory control with some survival elements. Not a traditonal mmo to be sure, but definitely an interesting concept.
Turned into a generic themepark PvE mmo but with none on the features one would expect from a modern mmo.
Its gotten better since, but AGS tends to drop the ball just a little more with each update.
I peaced out about 3 months after release, tried it again a year later and even with improvements it still couldn’t snag me. I just found myself longing for the original concept.
Sex and Candy got overplayed so much on radio, it was everywhere. I remember mom switching radio station because it came on like twice in the same hour and the station she fliped to was playing it as well.
There were so many good songs just ran into the ground like that.
I get an excuse to stay indoors.
Touch grass? Can’t, its under 3ft of snow!