What do you even mean with your word salad?
Your first sentence/paragraph is absurd in the post’s context. Crop rotation will not replenish the soils’ potassium.
And in your 2nd paragraph… what do you mean by “similar purpose”? It’s ambiguous, how you have used it. Also, do you know anything of how fertilizers work?
Quick quiz: Wheat has b12 vitamin and iodine, can you just eat more bread to replenish your body’s neads for those nutrients? Or does a balanced diet need to be …balanced for all nutrients?
After sparing this paper a fair bit of attention I feel I’ve wasted it.
Nowhere in the paper could i find in what conditions the test samples were kept during the experiment. This is pretty basic stuff. At this stage I’d wage sloshing was the issue.
Reading this part of the methodology:
"2.2 Initial sperm analysis
After liquefaction…
[Two paragraphs later, in the same section: ] After this first analysis, the 15 sperm samples were split into two fractions. All the samples were exposed to ‘Parabolic flight’ (split 1) and to…"
Did they liquefied the samples and tested like that? Whaa?
The “After this first analysis” should not be in the “2.2 Initial sperm analysis”. It just shouldn’t!
Then I think “15 sperm samples were split into two fractions”. … “the samples were exposed to ‘Parabolic flight’ (split 1)” — splits, fractions, what a mess!! At this stage I’ve wasted enough.
The paper should be retracted, the reviewers spanked and the editor fired.