Which programming language is this a book cover for?
Unfortunately most of the PCB fab companies only print off PCBs in at least batches of 5. I bought enough parts to make two cart readers and split the costs with a friend to help drive the price down into the low hundreds.
I don’t know which number you were looking at when you saw the Sanni was “so expensive”. You can get an assembled Sanni v3 for about $150 online. https://savethehero.builders If you join their Discord, there’s also folks selling Sanni v5 DIY part kits for $110-130 depending on what add-ons you go for. https://store.starshade.dev/product/oscr-hw5-complete-kit-diy It’s still a pretty penny, but significantly less than some of the $250 pre-assembled stores online.
I wasn’t able to find anything definitive online, but its specs and functionality sound pretty close to BennVenn’s Joey N64 cart reader/writer. https://bennvenn.myshopify.com/products/joeyn64-cart-flasher
I wanted to make something a little indulgent this weekend. These burritos are stuffed with chopped brisket, home fries with poblano and onions, scrambled eggs, and topped with homemade white queso, guac, and roja salsa. It was a fun mashup up diner vibes and Tex-Mex smokiness.
“My battery is low and it’s getting dark.”
deleted by creator
It’s still surreal to see OpenAI’s need for training data be so vast that they casually developed and open sourced a generational leap in transcription technology just so that they could scrape online videos better.
Shout out to Steven Universe giving their main character a shield.
The Hard Fork podcast had a pretty good episode recently where they interviewed one of the engineers on the project. They’d troubleshooted the spacecraft enough in the past that they weren’t starting from square one, but it still sounded pretty difficult.
I still cannot believe NASA managed to re-establish a connection with Voyager 1.
That scene from The Martian where JPL had a hardware copy of Pathfinder on Earth? That’s not apocryphal. NASA keeps a lot of engineering models around for a variety of purposes including this sort of hardware troubleshooting.
It’s a practice they started after Voyager. They shot that patch off into space based off of old documentation, blueprints, and internal memos.
That sounds amazing! I need to look up that recipe.
Stews! Beef stew is great the next day.
Long Switch can’t hurt you. Long Switch isn’t real.
Deep Space Nine Young Adult Book #5: Arcade
There’s a new player on the Promenade: a Ferengi shop owner, Bokat. His Games Bazaar specializes in hard-to-find virtual reality computer games. He approaches Jake Sisko and Nog with a tempting offer to play a hot new game called The Zhodran Crystal Quest. No non-Zhodran player has ever won this game, but then, Jake and Nog have the best scores on all the other games at the Games Bazaar. And Bokat is willing to bet on their ability to win the game, and – as a result – win Bokat a lucrative business deal with the Zhodrans.
But soon, kids all over the station are falling into comas, their minds trapped in an ever-changing game. Suddenly, it’s up to Jake to go into the game and rescue them. It he wins, so does the Federation. If he loses, he’ll be trapped forever in a deadly game with a very real Borg!
I’m glad Star Trek novelists were given exactly zero guard rails on what they could write about. .Hack//Trek? Sure, why not!
Scanners indicate high presence of FODs.
The games aren’t deep per se, but they just get a little tonally weird towards the end given the franchise’s cute presentation. You go from fighting a tree who won’t stop disrupting forest creatures to battling an unknowable alien incarnation of darkness who wants to take over all of reality. The series has a lot of, “Oh no, our friend’s been possessed by a manifestation of pure evil!” plots.
Whoops, already made the second part of the verse.
“I’ve dealt with the constant pain of being unrecognized and under-appreciated for almost a decade. You think a phaser set to stun level 4 even registers to me anymore?”
The internet used to scream at you when you went online. Now it’s the reverse.