As long as you’re enjoying your gaming time, you’re doing it right!
Optimising the fun out of it is an own-goal.
As long as you’re enjoying your gaming time, you’re doing it right!
Optimising the fun out of it is an own-goal.
That only holds true if the price doesn’t vary over time.
To be fair, FoMO can be justified. That multiplayer game isn’t going to be worth playing in five years time. That game that has cool new tech isn’t going to dazzle once things move on, etc…
I have something in the region of a thousand games collected over about twenty years. If the price is good and it looks like I might like it (and I can afford to fritter the money away) then I buy it.
That’s a thousand (ish) opportunities for entertainment, not a thousand (ish) obligations.
I buy games to have a library to pull from when the mood takes me. If I finished them all then I would no longer have that, which seems bad.
The reward for finishing a “backlog” of games is having nothing more to play. That’s like trying to finish a meal in a restaurant quickly to get to the after dinner mint.
I despise treating gaming as an obligation like this. I have a collection of games, not a “backlog”.
Sounds like I’m never going to have a reason to buy a current generation console.
Autotune the news?
I watched the video they released the other day and stopped half way through. It looked rather dull and also ugly, unfortunately.
How is there no middleware available for NPC movement? It looked tremendously stilted. Similarly the lighting and environments looked worse than things I was playing fifteen years ago. I don’t need cutting edge but it looks distractingly ugly to me.
Mechanically I like 64. I’d like a few more tracks, particularly for the battle mode. The later versions add far too much cruft for my tastes.
This link aggregator better! Much better!
I really hoped I’d like Superliminal but ultimately I found it lacking in charisma and was tired of it by the time I reached the end. 6/10 is about what I’d rate it. Serviceable but mediocre.
As we all know, UI is a fundamental part of any piece of software’s architecture and cannot be changed without a ground-up rewrite.
Isn’t that what the Skate series is for?
I wish I could get past how ugly and small that engine makes places look.
Do your best.
I tend to use things like Pixelfed to find people interested in the same hobbies. Mastodon I use more for general nerding out.
I wasn’t intending to criticise your use-case. I don’t know what normal usage patterns look like.
That sounds lovely but it’s not been my experience of using social media (except Facebook). I’m not suggesting my experience is normal, or that yours is. I genuinely don’t know.
Monolithic as in Twitter, Reddit, Facebook - platforms that do not federate.
Plus I’m yet to run into a single person I actually know IRL on the fedi.
Is that a normal metric for monolithic social media?
An important bit of information that’s missing here is what kind of culture are you in/from on the coconuts/peaches scale?
(Coconuts - hard to get to know initially but very warm once that hurdle is overcome. Peaches - warm to everyone but very difficult to get truly close to. Finland vs. USA, for example)