Can I play a stealth archer
Can I play a stealth archer
I use them regularly for personal and work projects, they work great at outlining what I need to do in a project as well as identifying oversights in my project. If industry experts are saying this, then why are there still improvements being made, why are they still providing value to people, just because you don’t use them doesn’t mean they aren’t useful.
That’s one groups opinion, we still see improving LLMs I’m sure they will continue to improve and be adapted for whatever future use we need them. I mean I personally find them great in their current state for what I use them for
I would cast Hannibal Buress as Blade, but maybe only as a comedic variant
What stereotypes do you hate about America?
I miss old Fred Meyers, working there as they started to transition away from what made it a good store makes me not want to shop there anymore. Now it’s like a grocery store with a home and apparel department. Before it was a full department store. But you could definitely feel the weight of management shifting to grocery when I was there between 2012 and 2016.
It less serious than this but on my drive home there is this spot with 4 car lengths between stop lights and people with trailers keep taking it as free right to get into the middle of 3 northbound lanes blocking off the far right lane for turning right at the next light
I saw a black one a few months ago it looked worse than stainless