You asked for something politely, someone gave it to you politely, and you politely conceded the argument.
What is this place?
You asked for something politely, someone gave it to you politely, and you politely conceded the argument.
What is this place?
I get that taste has a lot to do with it, but usually when I read one of the SF “classic”, even though I don’t like it I can see what other people like in it. Ubik is really one of the first where I didn’t understand this. I just read an article saying that what I consider a lack of connections between the different part of the story is in fact a writing effect, to make readers have a “dreamy feeling” while reading the book. I hadn’t considered it that way, and was looking to analysis like this, I’m not trying to tell people my taste is better, just wanted to have their input on the book
Depends on your workload, pi digits calculation for example require a lot of compute, but the bandwidth required to communicate the result is trivial. Not saying every workload is the same, but compute to bandwidth relationship is not linear