There is no HAMAS in the West Bank, what new lie is the Israeli State of Apartheid peddling now?
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There is no HAMAS in the West Bank, what new lie is the Israeli State of Apartheid peddling now?
as lies.
Fuck this world. International community of fucking killers protecting Israeli Terrorism.
IMO, fuck all is coming, no meaningful actions from Arab Muslim and non-Arab Muslim nations are coming, it’s all lies. Taking history as a guide, they often make lofty promises but, in reality, are ineffective, unimportant, and incapable of taking substantial action.
I truly fucking hate this situation, the deployment of American troops. Regrettably, I can already envision the headlines: ‘U.S. Troops killed in Israel,’ serving as a potential catalyst for dragging the U.S. into a regional conflict.
They have cleared 28 Israeli settlements near the border with Lebanon and the US asking Israel to avoid preemptive strike on Hezbollah and Washington pledging to mobilize US aircraft if Hezbollah initiates war.
The situation is about to become explosive on the Northern border.
It’s a worldwide relentless cycle, isn’t it?
what’s like living in your world?
Emergency takes precedence over religious law or traditions. The mention of Jewish law in the article is unnecessary in the context.
It’s fucking awful when innocent people pay for the price. In emergency situations such as the one described in the article, the need to address and respond to the situation takes precedence over religious law or traditions. The mention of Jewish law in the article is unnecessary in the context.
it’ll most likely be a nuclear counter response to Israel. Once nukes start flying
What are you talking about? What nukes? Who the fuck is going to nuke what?
So there is now a trend among genocide sympathizer were they exploit a flaw in the site, where they delete their own comment which also deletes from the thread, all your responses to their comment. When they dislike your response to their comment, they delete your response by deleting their comment.
My comments in response to the person that called me a “fucking nazi” for pointing out Israeli war crimes.
Every mother-fucking-time someone points out the fucking despicable evil Israeli state of apartheid for its war crimes, someone brings up fucking Hamas, even when i never fucking did.
Fuck Hamas. Fuck the Israeli state of apartheid. Fuck Fatah. Fuck Islamic Jihad. Fuck the United states of Arrogance the number one sponsor of Israeli terror. Fuck Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, they are all fucking garbage.
Israel’s Apartheid is a fucking fact!
Why is it that never happened during 2004? Israel attacked Gaza many times before, never did the US send this much military. Do the Americans know the amount of damage Iran can inflict on Israel and that’s why they are sending all this? What can Iran do? If not Iran, who?
I thought Israel was the most powerful army in the middle east, what gives? Something is cooking, way bigger than killing Palestinians.
My Lai Massacre, Abu Ghraib Prison, Drone Strikes, Guantanamo Bay… list goes on.
Any claims made by the Israeli state of apartheid army must be treated with caution and verified before, these are the same despicable evil people who claimed they saw 40 beheaded babies and the US puppet Biden lied and said he saw pictures of it, only to be proven a lie and the white house backtracking on Biden claim I mean lie of having seen pictures.
What is Israel supposed to do? They got proof that Palestinians will never live with them in peace.
This Amnesty International article from 2017 discusses the challenges faced by Palestinians in the West Bank due to Israeli military closures and restrictions. These include checkpoints, roadblocks, and settler-only roads that make daily tasks like commuting to work or school difficult. The construction of a 700-km fence/wall, ostensibly for security reasons, has disrupted Palestinian communities, separated families, and hindered access to essential services and resources. The article also addresses issues of water allocation, highlighting the disparity between Israeli and Palestinian water consumption. The international community is called upon to recognize and rectify these injustices and restrictions in the occupied territories.
No agenda, no. Biden himself says HE IS A ZIONIST. Many Americans are proud Zionist, many of whom are gov. representatives.
Businesses as usual, Israeli settlers living on stolen lands rottenly rob, harass, attack, and murder Palestinians and the Israeli settlers who was arrested by the police, will be let go without a charge, as was the case of every single incident before. Israeli settlers are armed to the teeth, and are protected to commit crime.