Do you understand what I am saying?
I find useful stuff at the dump and make long winded rants against consumer culture. Inspired by Pickle Rick and whatever I can scrounge.
Workflow is Linux + Lineage based on free hardware.
Quit buying shit from companies that destroy the earth in the name of making the already rich even richer.
Do you understand what I am saying?
I never knew the scope of the errors in judgement that the navy chiefs have made lately.
My goodness! This is unfair! What kind of Mickey Mouse rule is this anyway?!
Can’t upvote this enough. GE is a legend. A perfect example of build what you want and open it up to benefit a community! Thank you!
*Frantically types genius rebuttal on iPad
Does anyone know an even slighty successful musician who uses a 5 year old iPad? Now, are there any slightly successful musicians that we can think of that use a 5 year old (affordable) guitar? Or a 5 year old computer? How about a cheap drum machine or sequencer? How about giving a kid anything but a $1000 iPad (or a 5 year old paperweight)
Save us 5 years. Just put the new ipad into e-waste collection now. Meanwhile, anyone want to use all the real tools designed specifically to make music? Any kid with half a brain will spend their $1000 musicmaking budget on something useful
You are delusional to think even one of the 9 million kids living in poverty in the US would buy a $1000 iPad as a tool to make music. In 5 years that fucking $1000 iPad is only worth cracking open to harvest as e-waste. A kid buying a $50 dollar pawnshop guitar is far more likely to continue to make listenable music than some fucking dipshit buying an iPad. Maybe in 5 years they can sell that guitar for $50 to another kid who will successfully make music. Or maybe they luck out and that guitar is worth $5000. The kid who can afford to buy the $1000 iPad will hopefully use this as a chance to learn about planned obsolesence…
Here’s a thought, maybe an iPad is a wasteful piece of garbage technology. Maybe this isn’t a rant about technology and preventing opportunities, maybe its a rant against shitty technologies that are wasteful.
Get off all our fucking lawns.
Hey Apple, Great ad. It perfectly encapsulates what an iPad is…a shit product juiced from the tears of real creativity - A soul crushing, art destroying block of useless shit forged from real tools.
POP is an excellent distro for a number of use cases. I can’t speak to System 76 hardware but Pop is definitely one of the good Distros. I have used it for about 5ish years to run Davinci Resolve on video editing laptops and workstations. Another use case for POP was for breaking Mac OS acclimated relatives out of their walled gardens. Relatives as old as 80 have had very little problem adjusting to it after having help installing it. Looking forward to Cosmic but I will make sure I have backups and other stuff to tinker with during the transition - was the same way during Wayland transition on my other machines.
I’d have a beer with these fine upstanding young lads.
Perfect answer
I would really like to say something positive and community building to this like @CubitOom https://lemmy.world/comment/8574037
or @BmeBBenji https://lemmy.world/comment/8570341 - Or perhaps type well reasoned comments such as @SnotFickerman
But… I am compelled by my god Lemmy (Kilmister) and my only personality trait, to proselytize for projects that add value to the world.
What is more concerning (and more entertaining) is all the Windows wankers advocating on an open source forum
I will check out the the Win 11 migration vid. Yeah, would definitely like to learn more about OpenSuse. Seems there is a lot of chatter about it on [email protected]
Perhaps will install it on something and tinker with it.
This Lemmy BBQ has been the most entertaining yet… First off, now that the drunk uncles are finally showing up and the conversation has meandered away from OP’s original question, I would like to say thank you OP - I was stoked to find your retro-gaming youtube. So good man!
The next bit of entertainment are the aforementioned drunk uncles scrapping it out on the lawn mid-post. Who has the bitchin’est Camaro? Nevermind that for a moment. Did Uncle Vinnie and Uncle Scotty say their FIREBIRDS are the bitchin’est? Fuck those guys! Linus from the Linus Tuner Garage out on the coast at 138 Richmond and Main said he busted the shit out of the Firebird dashboard that one time. Nah man, that was a Civic, but whatever, Firebirds blow. Pontiac is a shitty company anyway. Um, aren’t they all GM. Yeah, but Firebirds have that shitty design on the hood and crap aftermarket support.
Why don’t we all just sit around the Grill. Pick your steak, have a beer…
And thank fuck we aren’t using Windows 11
Hahaha. This is so awesome… I do the same thing. Just jump in and stay up all night getting it done instead of waiting for the weekend. Definitely do an update!
I was hoping your thread would make it to the top of the post. I gave my opinion in your thread because it seemed to be the only one that didn’t run with the usual “Intro to Linux Distros” advice. You gave practical advice that listened to the question. @[email protected] looks to be Linux savvy but just wanting to avoid frustrating pitfalls. So thanks back to you!
I hope this time around Arch is a better experience. When Garuda breaks it seems to break hard! Endeavour seem easier to fix. I lasted about a month with just the terminal then installed Pamac. One EOS laptop is still terminal only tho.
Each way seems like it is difficult but it will work! Determination is the key. It really sucks when you can’t even get the splash screen to work on launch. I had to completely rebuild after Blender dependencies broke DR on Garuda Linux. It was easier to rebuild with Endeavour OS and use all the Arch wiki documentation. I was worried about the driver problems but that was with an AMD GPU and OpenCL drivers. Sometimes you luck out with the hardware you have and it will work right away (I did with the Laptop, Pop OS, Nvidia and makeresolvedeb). It is worth it in the end though! Post an update if you can.
Daniel Tufvesson…if you are on Lemmy. Thanks for your work.
And a big FU to Adobe and subscription models.
“The battery blew, I think”