Looking at history, Id rather say humans bring corruption regardless of the system we’re using.
There was no time or system ever where corruption wasn’t a thing.
Looking at history, Id rather say humans bring corruption regardless of the system we’re using.
There was no time or system ever where corruption wasn’t a thing.
The average ticket price for her tour 2023 was 1088$
Whoever pays prices like this is completely lost
“that one action” lol
She is basically the worst case of private jet usage and leading the list of such individuals, while somehow advocating for the environment.
This is just ridiculous.
And she is trying to fuck that guy up for “stalking” and “harassment”, just for showing public data.
On top, for whatever reason, she had 2 private jets flying around until now. Seems like she sold one this month.
You’re right. Ups :P
The reason is that her dad is quite rich and was a stock broker.
He invested heavily in the label that had his daughter under contract, being able to dictate what the label was focusing on and on top he has thrown another Million on her, to start the journey.
So to sum it up a huge tone of money, contacts and knowledge about how to run a business by her father.
Or that tumble dryers in the USA alone use more energy than Bitcoin.
This will continue, as long as people dont stop using the products of this shitty companies. So yes, everybody who uses Spotify made the choice to give them their money, so that they can continue with this bs.
You can blame the Management or whoever as much as you want, but as long as you dont change your behaviour and stop using their products, they dont have a reason to stop.
So yes, its your fault too!
So they don’t pay fees, they dont pay artist and they never made a Profit. But for some fucking reason are allowed to dictate the music industry.
For anyone reading this, that still uses Spotify, a big fuck you from the heart of an artist!!! You’re the reason that abominations like Spotify are able to continue…
Europe will step in as usual
I went in to read the German law itself and it’s basically only illegal if certain conditions aren’t met and that is getting a counseling beforehand.
I think that’s a bit of a far stretch and misleading to say it’s illegal but rarely punished etc.
Also the headline is completely wrong, as it is already allowed to get an abortion up to week 12.
Here is the part of the legal text defining the requirements.
Section 218a Exemption from punishment for abortion
(1) The elements of the offence under section 218 are not deemed fulfilled if
1. the pregnant woman requests the termination of pregnancy and demonstrates to the physician by producing the certificate referred to in section 219 (2) sentence 2 that she obtained counselling at least three days prior to the procedure,
2. the termination is performed by a physician and
3. no more than 12 weeks have elapsed since conception.