If you call the police you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks.
If you call for an am ambulance, you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks AND will definitely have a huge bill that you have to pay.
If you call the police you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks.
If you call for an am ambulance, you might wind up dead or in an institution for months or weeks AND will definitely have a huge bill that you have to pay.
You’re forgetting “customers see how much prices are up, and just stay home” or “company C, looking to break in, undercuts A and B and changes the market.”
A real UBI is a great fix for capitalism, since it makes “f it, I’ll just stay at home” possible.
Assuming you’re a US citzen:
Fixing healthcare funding is itself broadly popular, but since its inherently unprofitable to care for sick, disabled, or elderly people all possible fixes are either “socialism” or “die quickly”
Healthcare should be like roads or schools or calling the police, not like cars or contractors or hiring a lawyer.
Context matters. Always, in all things, but especially language. (i can rant about tomatoes if i need to.)
While i can see that you might think i was making a general statement, i feel confident that the context makes it clear that “actor” applies specifically to persons engaging in political persuasion by propogating advertisements or financing lobbyists.
Still, in the interests of clarity, let me re-state the maxim with the context more explicit:
In politics, no good actor needs to hide their actions.
If you cant see the difference between personal privacy and political anonymity, consider the difference in a court of law. Your privacy means not having to take the stand, while piercing anonymnity is necessary to rebut the accusations others make against you.
You can be private if you want to be left alone, but if you want the government to intercede on your behalf you should need to make clear who you are.
They are a dark money group, so their motives should be presumed nefarious.
No good actor needs to hide their actions.
They essentially described how the US primary education system works, and prerry much how secondary education worked until Regan.
That you think it’s “socialism” and therefore impossible is a reinforcement of hard-right elitist propaganda.
For actual fast food - - that you can order in a drive-thru and not have to wait around for - - the best around here is honestly Wendy’s. They’re not anything id pay $20 each for, but their average burger is better than their just-as-fast competition.
If by “fast” you really mean “without waitstaff”, they’re all great. 5 guys, smashburger, fuddruckers", and a dozen tiny chains all make burgers worth paying a premium for.
About the only place NOT worth getting a burger at is anyplace with waitstaff. They just dont take them seriously enough to do a good job, and wind uo about as good as a slightly well-run McDonald’s.
(*: i think this one went out of business.)
Social media servers cost money. There are only three options.
1: (Lemmy, bsky now) - someone runs it for their own private reasons and users bemefit as side effect or charity.
2: (Twitter, facebook, reddit) - someone runs it as marketing, and sells user eyeballs or data.
3: (some MMOs, bsky future) - someone runs it and sells users things to keep it running.
Baky says they want to keep the current experience free, and are contemplating a freemium add-on subscription. Maybe they’ll stick to this and maybe they wont, but “they sell subs” isnt guaranteed enshittification they way that an IPO and ads are.
Thats not really what happens, unless you’re so toxic that old-twitter would actually ban you.
Bsky has a “nuclear block”, that essentially removes you and the target from even existing on the version of the site each other see. If you’re ok with just talking to folk who are on your side of a “no, shutup” line, like “trans women are women” or “trans is a mental disorder” you’ll be fine.
The issue is that a bunch of folk who abscribe to the second apparently just want to troll the first, so they get blocked by their targets, have no fun, and then complain to reporters still on twitter.
Nancy Pelosi also said that we have enough votes to take the house.
I’ll consider listening to her again if and only if Hakeem Jeffries is Speaker.
I think you’re underestimating how deep the pay gap goes.
“women’s work” jobs are so consistently paid less that mere career choice is a huge part of the pay gap.
In common commercial english, i would read that as “this merchant will offer to trade any of the books for an amoumt of currency equal to half the book’s cover price plus $1.”
Such vagueness also suggests sufficient informality that the merchant may either accept seperate offers or veto the general rule on a case-by-case basis.
As a seperate top-level answer: no, would not pursue a romantic relationship with a woman who repeats sexist assertions about men. Because i am both a man and a feminist, and my several decades of happy married life have taught me that compatability of strongly held beliefs is a key to romantic happiness.
I would also not encourage the young men and women i know to either espouse sexist positoons or pursue potential partners who hold such beliefs. And i would probably also ramble for a bit about how all labels are imperfect and you should not necessarily dismiss someone just becsuse of a label.
If you want to date someone who describes themselves as a “radical feminist”, a date might be a good way to discern if they are an “all men are evil” feminist or a “men are awesome and also victims of the patriarchy” feminist.
The elecrelically semi-literate side, obviously.
I mean, isn’t it a usb_c cable that the manufavtuer claims can handle 10 amps of current at once? (which i think may be on the low side)
I think rhe voting age should be the lower of the minimum age to labor or the age of potential conscription less the age of the longest-term official whoss job includes sending people to war.
In the USA, that would put the voting age all the way down to 12. And having both been 12 myself once and having close family who were recently 12, I’m entirely OK with that.
Does this imply that the rapture won’t happen on any day any man or angel predicted it, and suggest that these crackpots are either delivering a “no rapture today” message from the Lord Almighty or else embarrassing Her into putting it off?
The term is “justifiable homicide”.
If the Joker is about to blow up a bus of 30 people and Batman shoots him dead with a gun then the jury acquits because it was justifiable homicide