What are the specs?
What are the specs?
Inertial guidance sucks balls for any meaningful amount of time. Combining it with ground tracking gets it a lot better, if you have good time of flight sensors to measure the distance from the ground. But this also falls flat on its face when the ground is too uniform (grassland, wetland, snow etc).
Yes, definitely, but it’s not bad for you
Whole milk is S tier, skimmed milk is C tier.
EU pyrex is still the goat when it comes to glassware
Please do!
Where? I’d like to use it as if I cannot answer a call, I’d like it to offer a better replying option than the hardcoded ones now.
All of the local stores here have a mobile scanner which you take when you enter the shop. Then you walk around, take the item you want, scan it and bag it. At the self checkout you put away the scanner, register your card, pay and walk away. This is way faster than regular checkout if you have more than 3 items.
They do, if you give them enough room. And if you are born into an oil family.
The power density is about 0.01125m³ per watt. A high end smartphone (11w of peak power) with a body size similar to Galaxy s23 ultra, would be almost 10 meters thick.
The issue is not the radioactivity, it’s the power density. Per the article, this is ~24x smaller than an average phone battery, but can supply only 100uW.
I have a relatively conservative phone use, and on average, my phone uses 450mW. That means that you’d need 4500 of those batteries in your phone. But the battery would also need to cover the power usage peaks, which are multiple times higher than the average power consumption.
Under proper storage, sperm will last indefinitely. At least based on what sperm banks say
Get yourself a government funded (well, taxpayer funded) weather forecast page. Quite accurate forecasts for weather, rain, cloudiness (including simulated radar models). Also radar images for cloudiness and rain. And free historic data. Without ads.
But I guess that sounds too communism