Moved from @[email protected]
Source: Cake – The Jenkins
Thank you for the crediting :)
I found and archived version of the image with the attribution:
I would suggest to change the post URL with this one that includes the artist name:
Thank you for noticing :)
Edited with [Redacted title]
Source: Mr. Lovenstein | #1085 Failure.
Also on tapas: Read Mr. Lovenstein :: Unkoalafied | Tapas Comics RSS Feed:
Post by the artist on their community ([email protected]):
Source: Fossil Fools #135 - Minim (Calligraphy)
I don’t see an RSS Feed on their site, so here it is the RSS Feed for u/fossilfoolscomic’s submissions to r/comics:“fossilfoolscomic”&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new
Source: How considerate - Work Chronicles
RSS Feed:
No worries, and thanks for posting sources and RSS feeds! :)
From what I see:
I don’t know in which version was the bug fixed.