To me it just felt like the unfairness of real life. Sometimes people get a shit hand of cards at life, and their death is just quiet and pointless and has no sense or reason to it.
To me it just felt like the unfairness of real life. Sometimes people get a shit hand of cards at life, and their death is just quiet and pointless and has no sense or reason to it.
I have no idea who that guy is but he looks genuinely happy and I only wish I had the same sparkle in my eyes. I wish him all the best loving being who he is. Thank god there are happy weird people sharing joy in the world!
Sirius Black in Harry Potter. I had to go back and reread the paragraph several times, then put the book down. Seemed just so unfair.
My husband loves iPhones and all things Apple. He’s adorable. Every update he’s like, “Look at this new great things we can do!”. Confused me: “that’s been an option on android for like, 10 years…”
100%. I don’t need help finding what’s on your website. I can find that myself. If I’m contacting customer support it’s because my problem needs another brain on it, from the inside. Someone who can think and take action to help me. Might require creativity or flexibility. AI has never helped me solve anything.
And Texas here. Trump does not represent all of us
Painting videos are the best.
I always wanted to be a biologist. I love nature, I find it beautiful and fascinating. I’m passionate about environmental protection, have been since I was a child. Studied, got my Master’s.
Finding work is so hard. What jobs you can get, are unstable, pay is ridiculously bad, and your values are constantly being ridiculed. The state of the environment is so depressing, and the future isn’t looking any brighter.
I don’t work in that field anymore (couldn’t afford to anymore…). The whole thing breaks my heart. I wish I didn’t care as much…
I feel you. Sometimes titles can be really misleading just to get that effect though, too. Last week there was an article talking about “the highest score in the history of Olympic surfing”. Sure, it was true, but. Surfing was added to the Olympics in 2020. That’s 1 Olympics ago. Stop implying so much more.
Don’t Look Up. As an environmental biologist, I feel they really nailed the constant feeling of crisis that everyone either chooses to ignore or use for greed. There came a point where I couldn’t stomach it anymore, I watch TV to escape reality not be reminded of it lol.
Huh, this one doesn’t ring any bells for me. Is there some reference in particular I should recognize it from?
My unwillingness to knowingly hurt people. I think I would be happier doing my own thing, but would hurt or disappoint do many people by leaving them (my boyfriend, family, colleagues, friends…). So I’m just wasting my own life instead…
A lot of shows I liked are mentioned here already, so I’m going to add Brooklyn 99. Recently finished it and it’s a surprisingly rich show, really enjoyed it.
Whole different vibe, but Don’t Look Up. As an environmental scientist, that one really nailed the existential dread many of my colleagues and I feel every day…
Pakay! Also called ice cream bean. It’s a giant bean, inside there’s big seeds surrounded in white solid-fluffy stuff. You eat the white stuff. It’s sweet without being overpowering and the consistency is interesting. Delicious
Yeah I don’t think he is projecting in that sense, but I do believe he has really bad abandonment issues, that is making him “see” things that aren’t the case, maybe to have a reason to push me away before I hurt him, too… I’m not sure what to do, he’s so convinced that I’ve betrayed him already, and even if the offense is not real, the pain clearly is, and I’m not sure there is anything I can do to reassure him. It’s so painful to watch (beyond the hurtful accusations…)…
I appreciate you looking out for me, friend!
My bf is convinced I have/had feelings for some other guys. Keeps pressing the issue and “Why can’t you just admit it?”. I can’t admit something that isn’t true…
Yes. Europe. We pretty much all do. Automatics are becoming a bit more common in recent years, but 90% of cars here are still manual. Especially the old beat-up cars we learn to drive on are all manual. And if by chance you learned on an automatic, and pass your driver’s test on automatic, it says so on your driver’s licence and I think you’re not actually allowed to drive/rent manual cars.
Sure. But perhaps not giving it any value could also be a strong point. The fact that it was so senseless made it all the more painful, to me. I honestly hurt more for that death than any other in the books.