I didn’t think Yuzu needed keys, or was that firmware?
I didn’t think Yuzu needed keys, or was that firmware?
Playing through Monster Hunter: World again! World was my first MH game when it first came out on PS4, and man I struggled. I never cleared >!Alatreon!<* or >!Fatalis!<. I used Insect Glaive. Now years later, with time spent in Generations Ultimate and Rise (fully clearing Rise) and finding a love of the Switch Axe it’s fun to see how different World feels now.
I picked up Forager. It’s kind of addictive…
I am so tempted to pick up BG3 again (already have it on PS5). Anyone have experience with it on the SteamDeck?
Got back into Super Metroid Randomizers, also still playing BG3 😊
I have a two bay unit (bad decision)
I started out with a DS220+ and soon bought a 4 bay DS920+ for my media center with the 220+ on backup (as in system backup) duty 😁
I personally like the Eufy brand ones. Bonus, they are in my experience very repairable and the company sells spare parts at reasonable prices 😊
Wonder if it would be possible to retrofit the new parts into an existing SteamDeck
Ditto. cue “I’m doing my part” from Starship Troopers
There is a story about a Japanese airline pilot who had to ditch a plane near I want to say San Francisco. No major injuries, no fatalities. When questioned during the inquiry, he said something to the effect of “I believe you Americans have a saying ‘I fucked up’”, and completely took responsibility. Instead of firing him, in recognition of his honesty, the airline demoted him back to the beginning of the pilot rankings and had him work his way back up. Within a decade he was back in his former position. The lesson is, own your mistakes!
Ewwwwww ewww. Fuck Linus, hard unsubscribe
Off the top of my head? Warhammer 40k mini