She’s not even in the room.
She’s not even in the room.
Sick burn
Did you see the Netflix doc where they interview one of his victims? He fucked them kids. Pretty sure that’s illegal.
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? MALAYSIAN AIRLINES MH370!
Stop, I can only get so erect!
I don’t see a banana in them shorts, so the name checks out.
Have you met religious people? They will find a way to keep giving.
Paul, Paul Blart, Mall Cop. Paul, Paul Blart, Mall Cop. Paul, Paul Blart, Mall Cop. Paul, Paul Blart, Mall Cop.
I’m proud to represent Illinois instead!
Are we the baddies?
87 mph in american, btw.
So what 3rd party was inspecting the strip club then? Obviously it’s not EVERY industry.
I didn’t think I needed the /s
Then again, what’s to stop a legal brothel owner from doing the same shady shit? The authority figures were already paid off!
Wow, what and atrocity! How dare sex work be carried out in a place with security and safeguards! What would Jesus think!!! Oh, wait…
That guy is younger than he looks. He’s only 30. Quite the “old soul”.
Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll, mmmkay?
He’s fucking those eggs up!
The new girlfriend Stephanie is a Turkey. Her dad Jim is getting served for dinner that year, so it’s super awkward. It’s quite a bizarre comic and not very funny.
I don’t think they caught your joke.