These P25 people are just so…hateful. Carrying all that hate seems like it would not be fun.
These P25 people are just so…hateful. Carrying all that hate seems like it would not be fun.
Remember when Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel? People are kill-informed if they think things get better for the Palestinians under Trump 2.0.
No phones on in classrooms during class. What parent would not be on board?
In the US, know that insurance companies hire private investigators to follow and video people making injury claims. Especially higher dollar ones.
This is wonderfully generous; though, it illuminates the outrageous costs of education in the US. We as a society should value education as intrinsically valuable and even if not, a more educated populace is valuable in so many ways, not the least being economically.
Maybe we should be seeing the realities of the world, even the horrors. It’s a lot easier to support things like war if you’ve never witnessed the brutality. This person was making a political statement by setting themself on fire. I imagine they wanted people to see.
Yes, the comment was about the rule of law and nobody being above the law. Sovereign immunity puts certain people above certain laws (i.e. can’t sue the cop that barrels down the street at 75mph in a 25 mph zone and kills a pedestrian. (Or in some states there are damages caps.)) Any regular Joe would not get such immunity. So, we already have asterisks in our rule of law system–where a certain class of people are not subject to the same laws as others–one being sovereign immunity. Corporate protections arguably being another. A corporation can be guilty of a criminal charge but not necessarily the actual people that made the crime happen, which is seemingly absurd. Or you can’t sue corporate execs individually even if it was their personal actions that led to harm to others, as long as it was done within the course and scope of their employment. For example, upper level execs know they are polluting and causing harm to environment/people. You can sue the company, but you’re likely not going to be able to pierce the corporate veil to get to the execs who actually committed the act.
This is Polk County, Florida, home of the cowboy sheriff Grady Judd who has never seen a camera and microphone he didn’t want to use to engrandize himself. Except for the body worn ones. Polk County residents are not the most enlightened of people. But, never discount there being two sides to every story.
I believe he is still under subpoena and could be forced to testify. I could be mistaken, but I believe that just because you’re found in, or convicted of contempt, that relieves a person of the need to still comply with the subpoena. (Or if a new subpoena is issued perhaps.)
Overzealous legislators who make the laws and mandatory minimums suck first and foremost, then prosecutors and sentencing judges who do not use judicial discretion fairly and empathetically. Lots of lawyers are good people and it’s worth noting that civil rights are protected almost exclusively by lawyers.
People don’t like Rick Scott but he spent enough of his money to get elected. And Bloomberg is 50 fold wealthier. And Bloomberg seems much more personable. So I don’t know.
Sovereign Immunity is calling and would like a word.
Yes, very much so. And essentially the whole of the US eastern seaboard and a lot of the western seaboard (where it’s beach and not cliffs). However, many are second and third homes that people can afford to lose, so I don’t know if sea rise provides the proper amount of impetus for change. But I do know some people who have or who are planning to sell waterfront properties in anticipation of possibly being stuck with worthless or non-existent property, so maybe. But they are mostly people for whom the loss while not poverty-inducing, would be a major financial hit.
I suspect no significant change will occur until wealthy people from wealthy countries are forced to abandon homes in coastal areas, or some similar worldwide phenomenon occurs.
One might think so based on real world application; however it’s true. And while true, I don’t recommend it as a first line defense.
I support unions but if you commit a crime associated with the union, don’t let the steel door hit your ass on the way in. It would be refreshing if 30% of America felt the same about other criminal leaders.
Business setting usually yes. Social setting, no more so than if it was a man.
Now take away that sweet pension. Doesn’t the military do that under certain circumstances?
Some of those that work forces
Florida with its Republican supermajority is about to join the gotta provide your ID to do anything Republicans publicly feign indignation over and privately enjoy themselves. So much for less government interference. Hypocrites.