Might be the idea. “They won’t dare try anything now, because it’ll be worse.”
Russian economy tanks, piles of roubles…
As far I knew it was already a thing, kind of. They know what you search for and route you near those things… and make sure the businesses show up on the map.
For toilet time there was riveting reading material such as: Shampoo ingredients. Hand soap ingredients. Bodywash ingredients. The latter two assuming it wasn’t bar soap.
Maybe someone was around to bring you a magazine… or tell you to hurry up and finish and get it yourself.
Clearly I don’t read even now, as my comment is a more or less the same as others here, and a day late.
Odd that it didn’t get blocked by these US banking institutions, or they got the transfer fees then flagged the transactions…
No, poor people already pay for the rich. The rich can afford an accountant to find as many loopholes and deductions as possible. The really rich don’t have an “income” and live of capital gains which is already under taxed.
This is just a hope people remember the “no income tax” part and forget about the “raise import tariffs” part when they’re at the ballot.
Right, this election, and the last, where more about who the president surrounds themselves with. Who they appoint to key positions. Not the individual.
Or the criminal rapist immigrant that takes your job…
Depending on where you are there are estate buying/selling services or companies.
I have no personal experience with this, but I’ve seen a few in the past. It may help ease the burden.
Hey, some places it’s the county Sheriff that’s the coroner… which is also bad.
Sometimes people die in the county jail… and almost every time it’s not needed to perform an autopsy- it’s just natural causes…
The coroner needs to be an impartial medical professional.
Vanilla ice cream and jello.
Jazz up a quesadilla by adding a little thin sliced apple or pear. Good ol super market cheddar is an excellent cheese choice.
And even more kowtowing and pandering.
The push back from the residents is a bit of knee jerk reaction, it’s them saying “treat our city like an amusement park, fine, pay like you’re visiting an amusement park”.
A complex issue boiled down to one phrase.
I didn’t mean to imply to drop everything and look. But as something that should be noted and mentioned to someone who could find that info. Healthcare care isn’t a solo sport. I am aware of the laws and protocols.
I say this as someone who has been in this situation.
It’s a clue to start looking for the paperwork though. Flogging some poor soul back to a life they don’t want only to suffer isn’t fun for anyone involved.
Cane Toads: An Unnatural History
It’s got a good dose of Aussie humor for a pretty serious ecological disaster. Also a good dose of “we humans have learned nothing from our mistakes “.
Jesse Ventura does.