Finishing this post and then seeing other lemmy clients show the text correctly was an unexpected treat.
I’d like to thank the jerboa devs as well as the US education system for making me the clown I am today.
Finishing this post and then seeing other lemmy clients show the text correctly was an unexpected treat.
I’d like to thank the jerboa devs as well as the US education system for making me the clown I am today.
Saigot dismissed the alarm and pressed POST. His illuminating text, rightly identifying the shit nature of the meme, was abstracted into a billion electrons, photons, and radio waves racing across the planet. The message was out now; the hard part was done. He leaned back against the soft padding of the chair from which he surveyed the confusion. How much damage had been done? What on earth possessed this lunatic to create something to utterly unhelpful?
–the camera zooms out of Saigot’s window to a cloudless night, panning up to a stark, ominously full moon. The moon dominates the frame and stares back at the viewer… or through them… for a second too long. The pan continues down to another building, another window, entering another room in a much rougher part of town–
Countrypunk would realize the irony of what had happened in a few hours, but for the moment nothing existed or mattered beyond the line of potash and the sharp card edge that neatly shaped it. When it finally met his standards he reached into the drawer but hesitated at the only thing his hand found. Slowly, he drew out the crazy straw. The last thing his father had given him before disappearing that night so many years ago. “Fuck you too.” He dismissed the old memory and it joined the nagging background noise with all the other things that would be a million miles away in a few seconds. At any other time he’d struggle to keep a steady hand but that promised ochre bliss gave him a terrifying focus. He raised the many-looped tube to his face and closed his eyes. The self loathing, the regret, even the tiny notification noise saying his post had gotten a reply all disappeared. He inhaled sharply and the potassium raced through him until there was nothing. Nothing but the dull roar of orange lightning.
I don’t have a complete walkthrough for you, but I’m considering doing this with comfyui and tailscale. searching for details on those should at give you a place to start!
The research lead me to an opposing conclusion unfortunately. tiktok+viral+heating in your search engine of choice shows results like these.
I think you’re right, but this is usually a developer skill issue. This UE developer thread was really useful in understanding the ‘why’ of ugly motion blur for me. https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/correct-motion-blur-values-to-use/131392
Between the demand to install an app we are prohibited from even "decipher"ing and the theft of content, I don’t think this service is anything I want to be a part of. I thought they were trying to be something better.
When you post Contributions, you grant us a license (including use of your name, trademarks, and logos): By posting any Contributions, you grant us an unrestricted, unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide right, and license to: use, copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, resell, publish, broadcast, retitle, store, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part), and exploit your Contributions (including, without limitation, your image, name, and voice) for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, your Contributions, and to sublicense the licenses granted in this section.
As a user of the Services, you agree not to: Except as permitted by applicable law, decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Services.
If I pushed an albatross down a well and attached a crab to it to harrass it on the way down it would also fall, despite being a fantastic winged flier.
Imagine them with wings ill suited to vertical flight and hovering, but very fast in the sky while soaring, and with the endurance to keep going for hours.
It’s my headcannon, but I give Gandalf points for forcing the fighter jet into a helicopter arena.
(The choice between a “daemon in the sheets” or “cronD in your log folder” joke is left as an exercise for the reader.)
I saw Nick Cutter and wanted to ask this as well. The Troop was such a fantastic book with vile description and really left an impression on me. Fuck you Shelley.
Can someone explain the fourth panel? What’s the significance of the big red X and why is the background a pair of idiot knife ears making out in that wooden hellscape? I know it’s nauseating to look at their weird bald faces for too long but I’d appreciate the help. Probably some human nonsense.
There’s also going to be a stop motion tribute for OtGW released by the folks who make Wallace and Gromit on november third!
So you took the literal scenario (woman in wheelchair gets insulting comment asking if her disability affects her sexually) and inverted it so that the insultor is disadvantaged against a hypothetical celebrity who causes them social harm. Why? Autism isn’t a fucking pallisade and it shouldn’t be used to counter attack legitimate points. You’re the one doing damage to perceptions of autistic people. Please stop.
Black hat and Defcon just ended and I’ll share my impression from LLM related talks given there. Microsoft VPs charged additional money to CISOs attending the summit talking about how AI will disrupt and be the future and blah blah magical thinking.
Meanwhile Microsoft engineers and others said things like “this is logarithmic regression for people who are bad at math, and is best for cases where 75% accuracy is good enough. Try to break use cases into as many steps as possible and keep the LLM away from any automation that could have any consequences. These systems have no separation between the control plane and user input, which is re-exposing us to problems that were solved 15 years ago.”
I think there are some neat possibilities that are lost in marketing hype as venture capitalist anger grows that they might have been scammed by yet another hammer in search of nails.
Confusingly, there’s actually two similar staves that get mixed up. The helix patterned one with two winged snakes I think you have in mind is called the Caduceus, but the the single wingless version I meant is the staff of Aesculapius (multiple spellings out there).
Go check out the alledged link between the snake wrapped staff that’s used to represent medicine and the treatment for guinea worms. Googling puts that theory with the Ebers papyrus from 1500 BC if it’s true!
It seems like you want people to examine their long held beliefs and customs, adopt your view that they are harmful and unethical, and change their behavior to match yours. A change that may have specific hurdles unknown to you for every individual.
Humans, being social animals, don’t typically react with reason to things that they percieve to be antagonistic. They tend to mirror hostility and are most likely to fight or disengage when facing an opponent, and cleave to the safety of the groups that accept them.
Just or not, the act of starting an interaction sets the tone. You’re completely justified in attacking villains and shaming them, but when you throw a devil costume on someone I don’t think you should be surprised when you get pitchforked.
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