He’s a chiiiiiiiild molester…
He’s a chiiiiiiiild molester…
I think this article is aimed at Americans who generally have a shitter deal than we do here when in a minimum wage job. But yea, still not good enough.
Damn dude. Your response was far more eloquent than what I was cooking up. Thank you.
First time I’ve been sad that Lemmy doesn’t have karma like “the other place” used to.
I sure do hope so
It’s increasingly rare all over. Rolling your own is cheaper but not by much these days. I always preferred the taste of self rolled when I did smoke but most smokers I’ve found, wherever you go, would prefer to smoke pre-rolled if they can
Keeping opiates illegal just causes the exact problems you’re discussing with the other substances, if not more. Opiates are addictive and potentially dangerous yes. So are most drugs, even the ones you mentioned. Yes it could be argued psychedelics are less harmful, there’s no real risk of overdose and minimal risk of addiction. I’d also rather live in a world where those are legalised if that’s all, rather than the one I’m in now where my country denies cancer patients cannabis but millions of tax payer’s pounds are wasted policing idiots drunk in alcohol every week. But let’s not pretend psychedelics are completely harmless.
Acting like so called “hard” drugs are some kind of black magic powders where one time trying them will have you hooked for life, ready to sell your own Mother as minced beef just to get your next hit is the same crap people used to say about the other drugs you’ve listed, including weed. Plenty of people consume them and lead productive lives.
Consenting adults shouldn’t be stopped from putting anything they want to into their own bodies. It’s called freedom.
If I start repeatedly slamming my own head into a wall, an action that could eventually kill me, as long as I own that wall or have the permission of the wall owner and I’m not getting noise complaints from the neighbours I can legally do it as much as I like.
But I can’t legally take the risk of accidentally overdosing on fentanyl. Despite the fact that legalising the drug would mean I can get my hands on product produced in labs which are licensed and vetted so I can see the strength of the substance and be fairly certain of its purity, making overdose infinitely less likely.
What kind of sense does that make?
Damn straight. But sadly weed is is still illegal in most countries, including France
Either that or you just don’t like garlic bread. Or both.
This is the beginning. Soon weed shall be legal in all of Europe. And I won’t be able to enjoy it because I live in the UK 🤦♂️
There’s a few DVDs I bought recently of movies that I couldn’t find anywhere. 50/50 about uploading them to a torrent site. I want to but is there any way it could be traced back to me?
In my day we only had 150 Pokémon to jack off to. I mean one of them was Jigglypuff so it wasn’t all bad
Lol, I’m jealous. Pretty much all public WiFi requires login in the UK.
I have Home Assistant on one and Kodi (Libreelec) on another
I have an uncle called Chris Hemsworth. He’s like 65 so I don’t know if he even knows the connection.
Yea, just post them directly if the instance allows it.