I mean if you need two or three, that’s still way better than grabbing 20.
I mean if you need two or three, that’s still way better than grabbing 20.
In practice, I tend to agree. It’s easier to avoid shooting yourself in the foot with C++, but it’s still just waiting for you to screw up.
I’m mainly getting at Undefined Behavior (UB), which both C and C++ have plenty of. This article from Raymond Chen has some excellent concrete examples: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20140627-00/?p=633
The C++ side gives you what you need to create your own seat belt: spools of razor wire and clippers to remove the sharp edges (but no gloves). If you cut yourself, it’s your own damn fault. Real developers have discipline.
Excuse me… “mouth rain”?
Please and thank you. This simulation is off the rails.
I just meant I still exist, so that must not have been the existence-ending punchline.
I don’t even capitalize pronouns for gods, why would I do it for you? Wait, are you saying you used to be a god?
That wasn’t it. Keep trying.
It’s called “getting Munched”.
You can’t just blame 18-26 year-olds. This was a failure across all age groups. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/interactive-how-key-groups-of-americans-voted-in-2024-according-to-ap-votecast
Personally, my goal is to challenge people to think critically about billionaires. Taylor Swift is a great example precisely because fans have put her on a pedestal where she can do no wrong. If the goal is to gather an angry mob, then sure, it’s more effective to focus on Bezos, the guy they already dislike.
If she was a good billionaire, she wouldn’t have hoarded wealth to this degree! Yes, Bezos is 200x worse, but I would bet (less than $1B) that she will catch up in the next decade and we’ll all still be apologizing for her.
… was he ok?
Teach your kids to play music with cat /dev/fd0 >/dev/snd
Do not give Bezos ideas about uploading brains to the cloud. He would make AWS CloudEmployee, an employee-as-a-service product that lets you scale your business up or down, without expensive layoffs and bad PR.
Except everyone writing C is writing sloppy C. It’s like driving a car, there’s always a non-zero chance of an accident.
Even worse, in C the compiler is just waiting for you to trip up so it can do something weird. Think the risk of UB is overblown? I found this article from Raymond Chen enlightening: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20140627-00/?p=633
If the earth stopped rotating, days would be about 365x longer.
I wanted to figure out a more exact answer, but I’m hung up on the fact that the length of a day is influenced by rotation and revolution together.
I have a feeling this requires calculus. If Sir Isaac Newton were here, I think he’d know what to do.
Dats a goose
You wanna know how I got these scarfs?
- The Joker