A staggering amount of fan piracy is happening at ‘Wicked,’ the latest blockbuster that represents an interesting turn in moviegoing behavior.
" Some of this piracy (and make no mistake, that’s what it is) "
Says who? What authority does this writer have to declare blurry, poor audio quality shakey cam video of a movie theatre screen with dozens of people singing in the foreground “piracy”?
From my perspective, piracy would be taking and selling (or personally viewing in place of paying and viewing) something someone else made. None of these videos are meant to replace seeing the movie, nor will they.
I cannot wait to see Wicked, I’ve seen the musical 4 times in my life. Except there is no way I’m going to watch a movie in a theatre setting with other randos singing or generally being shitty people.
Am I cobbling together all the tictoc clips and watching that? No. Because that’s not the product they are selling. I’ll wait for it to come out on streaming.
These videos are not piracy.
Also piracy:
discussing the film after viewing it
writing an article about the film
remembering your favorite part of the filmdeleted by creator
Is it piracy to watch a movie? Where does it end?
I can hear the slurping of this authors boot licking all the way over here.
I saw it last Sunday at Alamo Drafthouse Theater. The audience was well behaved.
“Something has happened post-pandemic where movie theater behavior has really changed,” said one top film executive, speaking on the condition of anonymity. The executive is referring to the younger audiences who have become more emboldened to share this lengthy material from the sanctity of the cineplex, where phones are supposed to be banned.
I don’t think this “top film executive” has been in a public movie theater for at least 10 years.
Yeah, young people saw that the veils of society are a sham, that no one is looking out for them, and that Corporations have free rein to do whatever they want, to whomever they want.
You don’t blame the kids, you blame the political machinery that allowed our culture to reject social norms. And that’s been happening since before the pandemic.
there is a lot truth in here, and we are only just getting started.
social contract is utterly broken both plebs and corpos, plebs and regime whores, and inter generational.
old exploit the young to live their best lives and act indignant about it when called out. they appear to have learnt this from owners of the corpos and regime whores lol
too many chiefs, not enough indians 🤡
yarr ;)
Lol @ ‘fan piracy’
Top film executive was probably involved with the time Youtube had a massive lawsuit for allowing people to upload 144p 15 second clips online of their favorite media.
Broadway bootlegs are a storied tradition.
That said, so are cam copies of movies.
This seems like a non-story to me…
Edit: okay, so the story is more about how Hollywood doesn’t care much if individual scenes go up online. Of course they don’t, it’s free advertising.
Can you leak something that’s an adaptation of a stage production that is itself an adaptation of book? 🤔
“Go see our movie!”
“No, not like THAT!!”
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