A small bright spot in a dark timeline.
My absolute favorite part of this is that they also own his supplement business now.
His supplement business was under the same business ownership? That’s preposterously stupid and hilarious.
I’m not exactly shocked he was that stupid, but yeah, that made me laugh the hardest.
He’s been very transparent in his attempts to move stuff around, telling his audience exactly what he’s been up to.
I’m not an MBA why is this a bad idea?
He kept his two income streams tied together, so that when one ran into trouble it took the other one down with it. He could have just as easily kept the business separate and potentially been able to keep one of the income streams working when the shit hit the fan.
They might have bid on both.
Active ingredients:
Isn’t it usually sugar? (With a big helping of snake oil.)
deleted by creator
In order to make the bid work, the families “agreed to forgo a portion of their recovery to increase the overall value of The Onion’s bid, enabling its success,” the families said in a statement.
The power of unity and determination beautifully demonstrated.
That is also one of they ways we can stop gun violence. Bring back the sense of community and being one people. Also common sense gun reforms.
I love that
They’re turning the freaking frogs gay!
is now officially an Onion story.
Also that was the only conspiracy he covered that was slightly grounded in reality. The atrazine poisoning was hermaphrodizing the frogs. Of course more regulation to stop pollution is not a solution that dumbfuck jones would support…:
As a policy wonk I feel that this was the correct buyer. Damn, it couldn’t be funnier. The Onion now owns Alex Jones’ former twitter account.
I hope they do what the Colbert Report did, keep the inforwars name and let it be a right wing lampooning.
So the families gave up a pile of money in order to back The Onion’s bid and make sure Jones wasn’t just reinstalled doing the same shit as before under the Infowars banner. Wonder who the shitbirds were that made a 7-figure offer to do that fuckery? I wonder if it rhymes with Felon Tusk?
I will gladly eat that onion.
The hilarious part is infowars.com is going to troll Alex Jones new site so hard.
I love this so much. It’s perfect!
Is this what being on drugs is like in normal times?
I love that people kept saying they should do this and then it freaking happened! I am so curious how much they paid.
Hopefully not enough to cover all debts still owed. I want him fully bled dry
But a federal judge in Texas ordered a hearing into how the Onion – known for bite – won the bidding, after Jones and his lawyers raised questions about how the auction was conducted.
Yeah, seems like there was some behind the scenes work so that the onion could buy it, we’ll see if it stands up in the (I assume deeply corrupt…) bankruptcy court. God, I hope it does…
It’s not some secret, I think it was in the AP reporting. The victims took a lower offer for the asset from The Onion because they didn’t want it to continue to spread hate.
Yeah, don’t think it was a secret by any means but I do think my understanding of bankruptcy proceedings is lacking to the point I have no idea if that will invalidate the sale like InfoWars is claiming in their suit.
I’m being a lazy sack. I skimmed the article but didn’t find an amount they won it for, has anyone seen how much they just paid the man who needs to pay his dues?
They paid him nothing. The auction was for the settlement of debts in bankruptcy court. Basically, the courts seized his assets including Infowars and auctioned them off to cover the outstanding debts owed.
Per NPR: The sale, which still needs to be approved by a bankruptcy judge, includes Jones’ studio and equipment, his lucrative online nutritional supplement store, domain names, customer lists and some of his social media accounts.
So it’ll be fun when all settled
Oh fuck yeah let me get my popcorn. Peice of shit deserves all that.
Honestly, it’s the perfect platform b/c it was already filled with joke level insight.