Russian state TV marked Donald Trump’s claimed 2024 election win by airing nude photos of Melania Trump from her modeling days.
Hosts Yevgeny Popov and Olga Skabeyeva displayed images from a 2000 GQ photoshoot on their show 60 Minutes, joking about Melania’s “return” to the White House.
The segment concluded with a series of Trump photos set to music and a voice-over asking, “What does ‘my body my choice’ really mean?”—a nod to a promotional video Melania posted on X for her upcoming autobiography.
It seems pretty clear to me. “Hey look, we put your wife’s nude pictures across the country. It would be a shame if we did this with some other photos we have…”
It’s cute that you think there exists a photograph of Trump so obscene as to change anyone’s mind about the man
It’s not about whether it will change minds. It’s about whether he thinks it will change minds.
He could shoot someone and still be president.
But would a picture of someone else shooting their load all over him do the same?
Would it even matter if Putin released the pee tapes, with the MAGA mob? They might even cheer it on. Note that the Evangelicals were quick to embrace the other photos as “artistic”.
I would think it would matter to Trump, whose main concern is what is airing on television and his image.
GQ is not a private publication. You can see any of those photoshoots any time you want. They’re making fun of her.