Lowest panel should be the wake up alarm. My mornings have been so much better since using a talk radio station as a morning alarm. This is so much gentler than waking up to a blaring alarm noise. It’s quite pleasant having soft vocal sounds for waking up, and then lying in bed for 5 min listening to the radio rather than bashing snooze and sleeping again to wake up groggy to a blaring bell in 5min. Highly recommended.
Do not use a song as the morning alarm. You’ll end up hating the song.
See my alarm is so purposefully blaring loud just so that I can’t go back to sleep after it’s went off
What if I use Don’t Stop (Wiggle Wiggle) by The Outhere Brothers?
(Sorry I don’t use pipe tube and stuff. I’m working on it)
I mean, back before Kanye canceled himself, I used to use Feedback as my morning alarm and I feel like that one hit just right for that.
The thing that I love the most about my watch is that it wakes me up in the morning just by doing a vibration on my wrist. I can set an alarm for early in the morning and jt wont even wake my partner
Anything read by LeVar Burton.
Reeeeaddding Rainnnburtonnn
Ladies and gentlemen, my wife, every night. She’s onto some TV show that seems to be nothing but white trash committing white trash crimes. Half the show seems to be that same trash confessing to the cops. They just happily run their mouths for hours on end.
I can see how that would be oddly comforting. Shitty criminals failing spectacularly to get away with it.
Purchasing a white noise machine was one of the greatest decisions of my life.
I had a coworker in the room adjacent to my computer who would play true crime docs without headphones during his lunch. It’s hard to focus on spreadsheets and stuff when you hear lines like “They found the body three days later, covered in blood and feces”.
I listen creepypastas
Been listening to It Could Happen Here to fall asleep lately lol.
My favourite song before sleep are WM-D6C from Otherworld Legends & Volt Age - Volt’s Theme
People need noise to sleep? To me that seems counterproductive to sleep.
There will be noise anyways ( washing machine / highway / tinnitus ) might as well put on something else of my own choosing.
It’s either music or my thoughts, and my brain is a real asshole without something to keep it occupied