I’m sitting in the hospital room I’ve been in since Tuesday and can’t even begin to explain how bored I am. Let’s chat about anything except politics, I could use some distraction.
I collect hobbies and may even know something about your hobbies. What do you like to do?
Does your hospital room have one of those 0-10 pain scales? I hate those!! I’m so bad at them! I need something more objective so now i use 4 wakes you up and 7 makes you teary/cry. For 10 they say ‘worst pain imaginable’ so i always think it’s like my arm was ripped off and I’m in a car fire with shards of glass. Nothing has ever been a 10.
Shattered my thigh once. Didn’t hurt too much. Until they moved me. That’s my 10 now.
Nothing else has gone above a 7 since.
It does! It’s especially difficult when they wake you up at 2am to ask.
That is a really good system, it’s going into effect immediately :)