In the early 2000s working for a major telecommunications company we were told that it took 10 positive experiences to hear back from someone (who was happy with what you did,) but for negative experiences, it averaged less than 3.
I don’t know if that’s a universal rule or what but I always operate on the assumption that people love to bitch more than they love to praise.
It’s in our DNA, it’s a survival instinct.
People would praise if they feel like they got their money’s worth. The cost of services is so high that people getting good service feels like breaking even instead of losing out
I like this comic
“When you do things right, people won’t notice and it’s like you have done nothing at all.”
Futurama or something something quote likely not word-to-word correct.
I am in the wrestling business you actively get frowned upon if you ever come across as a fanboy. I met one of my favorite wrestlers ever and kept it to a hand shake and some business talk.
Reminds me of Pizzacake. I never understood why people hate on her
incels and simps.
the fact that alot of the hate came after she opened an onlyfans is telling.
No one cares about her onlyfans, her comics are bland. You’re allowed to not like something and not be an intelligent at the same time lol
Reddit in a nutshell…“please PLEASE down vote me for a contrary opinion” etc