• peanutyam@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Guessing some of the commenters have never dealt with Telstra here in Australia - it’s already reported that these telcos just flat out never tested any phone that they haven’t sold - phones that up until now were actually working perfectly fine (and even have the same model handset being sold by Telstra/Optus/Vodaphone etc) suddenly disconnected.

    It is purely laziness on the part of Telstra and the rest of them and they are using it as an excuse to get people to buy their handsets instead - have not seen one of the “offers” of zero cost replacements either……

    Telstra are just corporate scum and this could have been handled a whole lot better but then again you only have to look at the shitfight that we have here called the NBN - a national government funded internet network that the telcos will charge you more than the rest of the developed world to access and nowhere near the speeds, level or service or quality as seen in the rest of the world……

    Nobody here in Australia is really surprised this was a massive cock up and anyone who is mustn’t have ever heard of Telstra then……