I used it (some android version of it popped up) when driving to an eventthe other day and the other people were texting as I was on my way. It tried to summarize the entire 9-month conversation not just new messages, and it thought the group chat name - “Bilbo Baggins My Balls” - was just one person talking to me, so it was complete nonsense that completely distracted me while driving. AI strikes again.
Summarizing texts from your mom. Oof.
Legitimately—who is even asking for this, I don’t remember someone ever sending me a text that was so long I found myself wishing for a summary.
I used it (some android version of it popped up) when driving to an eventthe other day and the other people were texting as I was on my way. It tried to summarize the entire 9-month conversation not just new messages, and it thought the group chat name - “Bilbo Baggins My Balls” - was just one person talking to me, so it was complete nonsense that completely distracted me while driving. AI strikes again.
It’s a solution in search of a problem. And boy are they searching.
Bubble bubble, toil and trouble