And why do you like it so much?
Japanese Maple. Had one by the front door of the house I grew up in. Reminds me of my childhood home.
Oh the colors
Weeping willow trees. We had one at my childhood home. When it was sold, the new owners tore it out. I was very sad.
Don’t worry, it’s back. Those things refuse to die.
I am fairly certain there are no trees on the property anymore. I don’t know what they had against trees, but they tore out everything!
Everything about the Gingko tree is pretty cool
Birch! They’re just so beautiful!
Plus birch beer is awesome
People used to make all kinds of stuff from the bark, too
And from the wood. It’s a hardwood but it’s often used where softwoods would be. Baltic birch plywood is some excellent stuff.
Weeping Willow!
The walnut tree. Its leaves are dense so it casts a cohesive shadow, perfect for shelter from the sun. I LOVE how it smells, especially when developing walnuts, and green walnuts are entirely unique in how they taste!
Redbud. It’s got such pretty blossoms and the leaves are a really pleasing shape.
It’s the State tree of Oklahoma. When my neighbors’ redbud starts making pods, I’m gonna snag a bunch, refrigerate them over winter, then scarify and try to get a few to germinate the following spring. It takes probably 5 or so years to start getting flowers, but I really love everything about these trees, not just their awesome flowers. The heart shaped leaves they develop in summer are so cute.
Delonix regia, the original flamboyant.
Number three…
The larch.
Being the most common tree in America doesn’t make the sycamore any less awesome.
They’re big and their canopy is lush. Their limbs are all twisty and knobbly. They’ve got huge leaves that sound amazing blowing in the wind or crunching underfoot. The colloquialism for their seedpods is hilarious and the pods themselves are almost as cool as sweetgum seed pods.
Just some great trees all around.
there’s this one tree in a park nearby that I used to climb on as a kid, id say that’s my favorite tree
Not too expensive.
Araucaria species. Because of their shape. They are the best.
I also really really like Magnolia trees, the large grandiflora ones ( those with the large glossy leaves and white flowers). I mean the flowers are amazing, but the way their trunks develop in very large specimens is so good, those semi buttressed roots and aerial offshoots hanging down are crazy amazing.
So yeah, araucarias and magnolias.
Eucalyptus. Houses koalas, smells nice, is sturdy, and has a chance to explode when on fire due to the oil inside.