I know of a multi-million dollar company that was about to launch a new marketing campaign. We are talking ads, dozens of trucks getting rewrapped, marketing materials, catalogs featuring the tagline; the whole nine. It would have been tens of thousands of dollars spent.
They used “loose” instead of “lose” in the tag. The error was caught by the CEO’s secretary without a degree.
It had gotten past upper management and the marketing department without being noticed.
All the people typing “loose” when they mean “lose”. Shit’s been happening a lot for the past year or two and I don’t know why.
It’s been happening a lot longer than that, that’s a classic misspelling.
Thank you for writing ‘a lot’ and not ‘alot’.
Butthole must be loose.
Because phonetically, it’s “loos” vs “looz”. And people don’t care enough to know or apply the difference.
I know of a multi-million dollar company that was about to launch a new marketing campaign. We are talking ads, dozens of trucks getting rewrapped, marketing materials, catalogs featuring the tagline; the whole nine. It would have been tens of thousands of dollars spent.
They used “loose” instead of “lose” in the tag. The error was caught by the CEO’s secretary without a degree.
It had gotten past upper management and the marketing department without being noticed.