“On September 29th, 2023, we will ship out our final red envelope. It has been an honor to share movie nights with you. …We sincerely thank you for joining us on this amazing journey of 25 years.” -The Netflix DVD Team
With Netflix discs closing its doors on the 29th, where will you get your DVD’s, Blu Rays and UHDs?
This raises a few questions for discussion:
- What services do you use?
- Whats your experience with any of these services?
- What do you do with your physical media?
I know, I know, yes, its 2023 and people still get physical media. A physical disc can have many advantages over a streaming service, such as:
- Control Over Content
- Quality
- Sound Profiles
- Extras
- Back Ups
Here is a list of popular Rental and Buy services:
Buy (New):
- https://www.amazon.com
- https://www.hamiltonbook.com
- https://shoutfactory.com
- https://grindhousevideo.com
Buy (Used):
Just a friendly reminder, your local library likely has a movie and video game section, it’s worth having a look
My local library has Monte Python and the quest for the Holy Grail, and the first season of the Simpsons.
Sounds like you’re set for life, mate.
My local library has an awesome collection of VHS, they even started adding some DVDs the last few years. I suspect in a few more they may even have HD-DVD!
This is a great suggestion!
Supporting your local library is always a pro move
On the high seas with my disc burner 🏴☠️
My bluray drive flashed with LibreDrive can’t burn BD-Rs, at all. Maybe a coincidence with LibreDrive, but it sucks :(
What services do you use?
As a rental service I have used gamefly and redbox. When buying media, I have used Amazon, Hamilton Books, HPB and Decluttr.
Whats your experience with any of these services?
Its, okay…
Long mailing times due to lack of shipping centers.
Library of movies is pretty good, but lacks many classics.
Low stock.
Good place for contemporary media.
Harder to find in my area.
limited library.
This is hit or miss. I have only bought and never sold items here.
Large library of changing titles.
Since pricing is set by an end user, so prices can be amazing or down right insane. (no one is paying $100+ dollars for a used blu ray)
If you’re in the UK Cinema Paridiso is a good service, similar to how lovefilm was back in the day.
deleted by creator
I hate having physical media personally. I just want files of everything.
What services do you use?
- Best Buy
- Redbox
- Amazon
- eBay
- My local library
Whats your experience with any of these services?
From least expensive to most expensive:
- My local library is free to use, and they even have Blu-rays alongside DVDs, which is rare in my experience. However, their selection when it comes to Blu-rays pales in comparison to their entire shelves of DVDs, and they seem to favor DVDs. I sometimes donate a few Blu-rays to my library in order to get people to check them out.
- Redbox is the cheapest way to legally own movies. Like my library, the Redbox kiosk I go to (and most Redboxes in general) seems to prioritize DVD over Blu-ray, which can be a bit disheartenig. You can rent a Blu-ray at Redbox for $2.99/night, or you can buy it for $4.99.
- On eBay you can get some pretty good deals, though the condition of the disc may vary.
- Amazon is great if you want to pre-order a DVD/Blu-ray and want it delivered on the same day it releases. But then you have to buy it from Amazon. I don’t usually pre-order movies to be delivered to me anymore.
- And finally there’s Best Buy. If I want a newly-released disc, I’d rather go out of my way to drive all the way to the mall and buy the disc in-person at Best Buy than pre-order it from Amazon. The Best Buy near me is one of the few stores to still have a dedicated space for physical media, so I should feel grateful for that.
What do you do with your physical media?
Before I even put the discs in my player, I put them in my Blu-ray drive and make a backup with MakeMKV. If the keys to remove the DRM aren’t available, I’ll just torrent the BDMV. After the discs have been backed up, I watch them on my player.
If the keys to remove the DRM aren’t available, I’ll just torrent the BDMV.
If you have the right model of blu ray drive you could patch the firmware with libredrive so you could decrypt the keys yourself. I set up my LG drive with it in like 10 min.
I’ve never heard of this. Interesting!
And finally there’s Best Buy.
My local Best Buy actually got rid of the DVD and CD section. That made me realize I needed to get serious about converting my physical media to digital. I’m still building my Plex library.
Yes, I know about Jellyfin and Emby. If I’d heard about them first, I’d probably be using one of them. Plex was the first one I tried, and it works great for me.
you don’t, cuz why tf would you do that
it’s objectively obsolete lol
Because tons of media that was never properly digitized for the streaming era and only ever ended up on discs.
Doing it now will prevent a loss of history, much like early BBC recordings are lost because they would just tape over old broadcasts to save money.
For example, there was recently unearthed a single episode of a sketch comedy show made by Graham Chapman and Douglas Adams.
Problem was, the tape it was on was from the formats before VHS and Betamax. While the tape existed, no players to play back the tape existed anymore. It took a several year effort to build a new player from scratch. Finally, after all that, they were able to record the show to digital media and now it lives on YouTube for people to see. It’s not the funniest material ever produced by either man, but it’s definitely a piece of history worth looking at if you’ve ever enjoyed Monty Python or The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Attempts to digitize things that are currently available on disc but not available in digital file formats/streaming is absolutely a process of maintaining historical documents that would otherwise be lost to time. Building a new DVD or Bluray player from scratch when none exist anymore is a much bigger effort than making a tape video player, because it involves proprietary codecs, compression, and DRM.
So, I let others archive those and have digital versions of content I want. I get the appeal of discs, but I also get appeal of no discs (I’m in the latter camp)
Cool and all, but that also has nothing to do with this. If these services are renting/selling CDs, they’ve already been digitalized.
It, quite literally, has everything to do with this.
But keep pretending it doesn’t and like you know better without actually presenting any argument of your own.
I’m sure that will work out for you. /s
You just replied to an argument of my own, nor did you say why it’s wrong. It literally has nothing to do with it, and it still doesn’t. If they sell it, it’s already digitalized. That’s all you need to realize that what you’re saying completely falls flat. Reread that simple comment again, and apparently this one as well.
They’re digitized to very specific formats that are proprietary, and once the devices that play them cease to exist, so does the data contained on them.
Digitizing them into a file format (which if you actually read the initial comment, would have noticed that I specified this) that is open, available, and easily transferable between a multitude of digital devices is a different issue.
EDIT: I went back and bolded it for you, since you seem to struggle with reading comprehension.
elaborate on how these sites sell CDs that are apparently impossible to digitalize as standard video formats, because that doesn’t sound true at all
edit: yeah that’s what I thought, maybe he realized on the third reply he completely misread the entire chain. Blocks me then continues to reply and edit all his comments lol. Very sane and definitely not emotional.
Because I didn’t say that. Once again, your lack of reading comprehension rears its ugly head.
EDIT: it’s interesting that they think I blocked them. Is that what they wanted?
Very sane and definitely not emotional.
I’m gonna go with projection here. It’s not like they can’t see when I made my edits.
In Japan, a large part of the digital manga/anime/videogames are still being released only on CDs/DVDs, no online access.
no, they put it online on a website called hanime
Because not everyone has gigabit fiber run to their door. Streaming is not always the answer. I have read through all the back and forth here, but this is the point that was lost in the conversation. While it may be obsolete to you, it’s still the easiest way to transfer large amounts of data to someone that might not have any internet other than their cell phone service.
Why do these replies assume that streaming is the only other option lol. The emotional circlejerk is strong here. Digital formats are just better now.
Not sure what you mean. You said disc based media is obsolete, and I explained why it isn’t. I am not arguing about digital vs analog here. I am explaining why a form of digital media is still in use.
If I don’t buy or rent a physical disc and I don’t stream the movie exactly how would I watch the movie?
You download from internet or lan , or you can get from usb
The USB isn’t really a realistic option for a lot of people. As for downloading basically same problem as streaming, need a decent internet connection…
My dad,with where he lives, the internet is so slow if he wanted to download a movie, it would take so long that by the time it would download he would no longer care to watch the movie…
Which means he would have to find someone with decent internet, go to their house, download it. Then go home and play it. Again this isn’t an option for a lot of people. Including my dad.
For a lot of people renting or buying a disc is really the only option to watch a movie.
Some areas have even worse internet or none at all. To be able to reliably watch a movie means having the physical disc. Yeah they could get a data file and hold it like they do a physical disc just on a hard drive. But drives die a lot faster then a disc does. Plus they have to continously find someone to use their internet. Driving into town and going to best buy or Walmart it many times more efficient.
If you prefer digital files compared physical disc great go for it but for a lot of people it just isn’t real
Idk if you’ve heard in oppressive countries, but USBs filled with media is like a currency.
There’s similar stuff in India too. There was a campaign that sent a bunch of balloons over to north Korea with USB sticks and a ton of American movies on them.
So they are definitely realistically used in a lot of places and can be reused.
OK so in the US in the example I gave where would my dad to to legally aquire and download the movie?
I sadly see a lot of doom and gloom on the horizon when it comes to streaming services as a whole. Prices will increase, Ads will become common place and limitations on how and when you view your content (Hardware exclusivity for example).
Additionally, as others mentioned some media will just be lost to the ages. Many movies and shows will likely never come to a streaming service and are lost to time. Kevin Smiths Dogma for example will likely never come to a streaming service.
Archiving and backing up a DVD, Blu Ray or UHD can be very valuable to a user even today. I run a personal JellyFin with over 1000 movie titles. Having instant access to a library like this can not compare to any streaming service in size or quality and it has zero subscription fees.
But each to their own.
Crazy, once you do back it up, then the CD becomes irrelevant. That’s what I said. CD’s being obsolete doesn’t mean streaming is the only other option, despite if the circlejerk reads it as that way. Reality and the market is what’s proving these as obsolete/