Big mama…
It’s large & sweet
That card is banned.
Pot of greed’s coomer cousin.
This just keeps on giving as you keep reading
pot of cum…
big mama…
large and sweet…
wa?It has everything, even 911, if there is an emergency after big mama.
And if you read Texas health and safety code chapter 826 it’s RABIES. Coincidence? I think not.
Only $4.50?
That’s a steal!
I was gonna say the cum at my market is $5.75. Regardless, it’s way more expensive than pre-Covid pricing. I miss the “2 for $5” special at the Kum and Go. Grab that and a soda and I was set. 👍🏻
I remember when soda was included
No, it’s a gift
You spelled grift wrong.
My kind of veggie
Very filling
Excellent cake filling
Maybe for a cream pie?
id always heard them big ones was squirters
Sloppers, actually
Veggie, but not vegan.
*um isn’t vegan?
Nope. It falls into the same category as milk or eggs.
Now if you’re vegan for ethical reasons because you object to the exploitation of animals, you might make an exception on the grounds that cum is usually very enthusiastically given, but then again free range dairy cows are always very enthusiastic about milking time too, so you’ll have to be a bit more nuanced than that and include informed consent or something.
Glad we could talk.
Yeah but the difference is that dairy cows are bred specifically to make milk thus exploitation. Since the cum and jokes farms on Mars don’t exist yet, cum is harvested from free ranging humans. If a free ranging deer came to you and asked you to milk it, that wouldn’t be exploitation (unless the entire species had some sort of urge for doing that - see servant species in sci fi - just because they want to be slaves and serve, doesn’t mean you’re not a slaver for obliging).
So you’re suggesting that we breed humans to maximize cum output? I’m not complaining, just clarifying.
It’s a South Park reference - they had an episode about Musk and SpaceX more than seven years ago. Cartman has visions of a utopia on Mars. He then realizes that he only sees women colonists. Then he finds enslaved men underground, enslaved by women, because they deemed them useless. The only reasons they were kept alive is to harvest cum and to write jokes. Because women aren’t funny.
So no cum-based eugenics?
Now I’m disappointed.
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