Did you click it?
Many times. No audiobook. I think it might be a javascript error?
disable ubook origin
Shit, now the book is full of ads!
I prefer to use mybook origin
How much did you pay for that book?
With money.
(I’m lying. I paid for it with a goat and three bushels of wheat.)
You shouldn’t hyperlink the text “click here”
Also, for printing configure footnote for links.
For example in latex, if I’m printing something I redefine
so the text is the same but the link is on footnote.That’s not a bad idea, but I’ll have a better chance of finding water in the desert than convincing clients to have a full URL in a text block.
Cyberpunk is already here
Where would it download it to
That thingy Elon sticks in people
I thought it was for dogecoin mining
A few days ago I almost tried to pause my ebook reader before putting it down.
Sometimes I try to pause my husband. It’s probably because we have different native languages, but it always gives us a laugh