It’s reassuring to hear they know Trump is going to go all in on fuckery at the end, and actually have a plan to stop another insurrection
Hopefully more than just a concept of a plan 😉
Yeah I’ll believe it when I see it
Biden can just have anyone executed who is out of line. Not sure why everyone is acting so afraid.
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She has a Glock.
She’s going to lend it to J’Biden?
I hope he’s been practicing for the big moment.
::Takes Glock::
💥 BLAM! 💥 BLAM! 💥 BLAM! …
Biden: “Pardon…”
::puts on shades, lights a cigar, smiles::
Biden: “Me.”
Drives off into the sunset.
I hope they put in extra security measures. A lot of foreign nations have stakes here, a lot of mentally ill people are too agitated for their own good and Trump’s gonna die before accepting he’s lost to a woman.
That last bit seems optimal for the country’s recovery and de-MAGAfication.
I think the MAGA balloon would burst one way or another as they can only pump it bigger and bigger, and the difference in this elections is if it bursts somewhere by itself or right in the White house.
She’s a former prosecutor. If MAGA pulls shit I’m sure she will pull out the fan.
You obviously haven’t fought anyone with a sword. And before you ask, yes I have.
Are you the Dread Pirate Roberts?
This is the second comment I’ve seen in this thread about swordplay, and now I’m confused. Where do swords enter into it?
Anyway, everybody’s got a plan to fight a monkey until it’s actually time to fight a monkey.
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I’m glad she’s the candidate too, but you’re just making up a scenario in your head based on no evidence.
It’s one thing to want unchecked power. It’s another to want to holocaust millions of people.
Historically speaking, the former always seems to be followed by the latter for some reason.
Let’m have it!
Also I really hope to win the president choosing lottery! I only need to have chosen exactly what the unelected electoral college chooses! Yey democracy!
Nah, just somebody who was lucky enough to soar with some actual sword masters over the years. I’m no Jill Bearup, but I know which end goes into the other guy.
Arya? It’s the pointy end right?