awesome man i love how our civilization is increasingly at the mercy of ultra right wing psychopaths who somehow answer to no one. feels fucking great
Only because nobody has held them to account.
How can you hold them accountable when the democracy and freedom loving superpower is supporting them. The UN literally is showing its League of Nations era power and standing because of this shitshow. I’m sorry UN write me a strongly worded letter for attacking you.
We absolutely CAN hold them accountable, but most people aren’t ready for that conversation yet.
And any hint of it immediately draws all the people talking about how we should take the moral high road (that’s filled with corpses of people doing the same thing) and not resort to violence or even inconvenient protests
You been watching the news? A couple people have tried recently.
If you want to hold them to account, it means you support them extra hard, according to the people who don’t want to ever hold them to account.
Getting bored of targeting civilian infrastructure and UN peace keepers?
Distract from the genocide.
Is Jordan, Egypt, or Syria next?
Syria. Israel has invaded Egypt before, then retreated. Jordan has support from Saudi Arabia. Syria doesn’t have support, and it’s a mess internally, so it’d be fairly easy to take.
I’d bet they’d just take Damascus and the coast, though, unless they’d also want wherever the oil is (somewhat likely).
I’m starting to feel like the Beirut warehouse blast was an indicator of bad things to come.
The port blast was divine mercy compared to this waking nightmare. It was a sign of immense incompetence and the culmination of decades of neglectful systems failing to do the bare minimum and we got months of genuine solidarity among everyone in the months afterward. People, even if it was mostly naive and performative among some communities, found purpose in moving forward from a crime together.
Now it’s an apocalypse. So much of the city is gone. Tens of thousands of totally normal people have been robbed of their homes and possessions, and hundreds of thousands don’t know if their homes are next. This is ignoring all the deaths. Most people affected were already pretty poor. It’s so fucked. I live in a safe area and can no longer function as a human being. The bombing has been less and less muffled lately. I don’t know if I’m within a month or week or rounding error of losing my home, and this being a safe area, I have nowhere to flee to. I live where people flee to. This is the destination. I’m not rich enough to have foreign passport or a visa that will let me fly out and stay somewhere else.
I literally wake up, read a list of places and number of casualties, and throw up before my day even begins. I’m shaking 24 hours and sleeping maybe 4 per night. This morning the footage is many residential buildings crumbling with hoarse voices desperately thanking God for the missile not hitting them / screaming for God to not make them the next victims (in case you were wondering why you hear Allahu Akbar by bystanders in war videos. That’s what that ”oh my God” equivalent means in that context. Imagine hearing them in your own dialect… Yeah real comforting)
Consider this: my favorite confectionary shop, bang in the middle of a safe area with zero militant activity (or support!), got damaged in a series of strikes yesterday. Because the wrong person (allegedly a cash mule, the horror) was driving past it. If the point was only to hit paramilitary things, we wouldn’t be here.
The cruelty, as ever, is the point. We are being Lebensraumed while the world either watches in horror or claps fervently. But no real will to stop the crimes
What’s next They’ll claim *they’re striking the marketing department and go after the US protesters?
Edit: a couple words
Conservatives doing conservative things. When will this planet be free of this plague of oppression and death?
When conservatives have opposition.