Meta updates RTO policy with stricter mandate, saying workers may lose their jobs if they don’t show up 3 days a week::Meta, formerly known as Facebook, told employees that its new RTO policy would be enforced by management.
A year ago they told people something different and people made decisions around that policy. Reversing course is evil and bad management.
Sounds like the kind of shit you pull when you actively want attrition. There are times when a company needs to cut people and then layoffs happen. There are also times when the company is willing to say “we’re imposing policy X and if you can’t get with that, we’re happy to lose you.”
Which is bad management because it stops you being in control of who leaves and who stays.
In fact, you’re more likely to lose the people you actually want to keep when playing that game because they are the ones with the more employable skills, hence why they can leave in the first place.
The people who stay are those that are stuck, and can’t get jobs somewhere else.
Edit : speeling and gramarr.
Yeah I think it’s a bad option for bad times. I’ve never been in the CEO chair through something like this so I wonder if there’s more to it somehow.
Lets see how that will work out…
Maybe this is his plan all along? It will help cut down the workforce without having to do a layoff and pay severance.
It also filters out those who don’t put up with exploitation
I show up to my work chatrooms and video calls 5 times a day. My bosses treat me like a professional adult. I get my shit done, fight fires, and communicate to my team and co-workers just fine. My morning routine involves not driving to work, because it’s a goddamn waste of my time.
If you can’t handle remote work, your employees will find places that can. Adapt or die!
Given how bad this company is tanking, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was deliberately done to cut payroll.
Absolutely, this return to office stuff has been an absolute gift for CEOs wanting to downsize, it’s the perfect fluffy PR way to turn the thumbscrews. Factor in the popular idea that you’re a slacker if you don’t work hard all the time and you basically have public support too.
I’m sure plenty of people will just suck it up and view the past few years as a very extended break from office nonsense and commuting hassle, but enough will jump ship to fill quotas
Office space costs a lot of money. Desktop computers cost a lot of money. The inability of their co-workers to immediately wake up and solve some emergency costs a lot of money.
Every day they are not continuing remote work practices is another day they are bleeding money.
The company I work for is still fully committed to remote first. They have closed multiple office locations including the entire headquarters campus. They can’t stop gushing about how much money they’re saving.
Thing is though that often, real estate deals are made over long periods of time. I think a lot of RTO stuff is happening because companies can’t just get out of their leases. They spent years and millions of dollars actually building offices and by god they want to see them get used.
Yeah, there’s definitely a big sunk cost thing going on too
They spent years and millions of dollars actually building offices and by god they want to see them get used.
Whether people are remotely working or in the office, it’s still the same cost. As soon as they sell it off, it’s not a cost any more. Justification doesn’t make the cost less.
I suspect that these big corporations were advised by banks and the government to scale back work from home policies to avoid triggering a real estate market collapse in cities by vacating expensive office space en masse. This could cause defaults by landlords and a housing crisis as workers no longer need to pay premiums to live near offices. An exodus from cities would crater housing markets, which would severely damage the overall economy. Thus corporations are pushing for office returns to shed some staff but also to avert an economic crisis, despite the cost savings of remote work
Since when do big corporations give a shit about bursting industry bubbles? If it’s not their own bubble, they loooooooove to capitalize on the profit margins that come from disasters. Even if it is their own bubble, they’ll find a way to short their own stock to see a big windfall.
Economy collapse -> people have less money -> people spend less money -> the corporation has less revenue -> :)
“How bad this company is tanking.”
Y’all are ridiculous. Meta isn’t anywhere near tanking. I don’t know why some of you parrots keep saying this.
They lost ~$10b in net income in Q4 '22 and Q1 '23 so definitely a company in some level of distress, but Q2 saw them ~$7.5b in the black.
What? They make billions in profit every quarter and have been for a long time. Meta isn’t anywhere near being in trouble.
Sorry should have been more clear. Facebook is tanking. Obviously meta as an org is fine.
Meta knows this is a dumb policy. This is just a way to lay off workers without actually firing people.
Being fully remote means Meta will not maintain desk space for such workers, who should not come to an office “more than 4 days every 2 months,” Goler’s memo said,
That’s actually just as dumb, it means that if that remote worker comes to the Home Office they can’t stay a full week. Even saying “more than 5 days every 3 months” makes more sense.
I don’t have a problem with this. My office made this rule too, basically you chose hybrid, in person, or full remote. I went full remote. I don’t have a desk at the office, but I’m not required to come in. When I go in there’s hoteling offices, meaning I get an office to work, and theoretically if I went in for a week, I can leave my stuff there, but after that week, I take my stuff and go home.
4 days every two month is WAY too low to maintain an office for a person. Heck even 2 days a week is borderline. Companies want to reduce their floorplans, and that’s reasonable if they allow full remote, as long as full remote means full remote. (not required to come in)
No, I have no problem with not maintaining an office for remote workers. But they are telling remote workers they can’t be on site for more than 4 days in a span. That’s the dumb part. It should have been 5 days, so that remote worker can get a whole working week at the company’s office if they need it.
Oh I totally misunderstood/misread that. Sorry.
That’s fucking dumb as shit, agreed. Then again that gives me an excuse to go home ASAP.
Cool, a severance package from Facebook!
To be fair, they may lose their jobs if they do show up to work.