Learn algospeek is humans already getting twisted by pretzels.
That said we should have a better way to deal with racial slurs than ostracization.
Because I might have never died before but I used to be a kid and we loved all the no no words. That means probably todays kids are hyperaware of them and I can’t think of a better way to perpetuate racist thoughts than to teach their words to all the kids via reverse psychology.
Guess what I’m saying is that I rather the kids learn slurs in a safe space than behind the neighbour’s shed and come back preganement with brain racism !
"Oh no, a bad word!
Better cross it out so no-one thinks I’m using bad words.
But not all the way, so everyone still knows what the bad word is but also recognises my attempt to save them from seeing a bad word!
I’m such a good person (but also cool 😎)!"
Learn algospeek is humans already getting twisted by pretzels.
That said we should have a better way to deal with racial slurs than ostracization.
Because I might have never died before but I used to be a kid and we loved all the no no words. That means probably todays kids are hyperaware of them and I can’t think of a better way to perpetuate racist thoughts than to teach their words to all the kids via reverse psychology.
Guess what I’m saying is that I rather the kids learn slurs in a safe space than behind the neighbour’s shed and come back preganement with brain racism !