Curiosity only.
Here in Brazil it’s very common to have several showers a day. I, for example, take two. The first is when I wake up, before I go to work, and the second is when I get home from work. I wake up at 6.30am and get home at 8pm.
edit: I said bath, but I meant shower.
Yes, the actual difference doesn’t concern the climate, whether it’s cold or hot, it’s simply cultural. In Germany, is it common for all Germans to adopt the same bathing posture or does it depend on the region?
I think it is the same across all of Germany. I think it might be similar for most of Northern Europe if I had to guess.
Excuse me what? I’m German and I shower daily. I know nobody who doesn’t.
Hi, I am dutch and live in austria so on average that makes me german.
I shower maybe once a week but I am also very depressed so take it with a grain of salt.
Belgian here. We are known to be average at best. Hope you be better soon. I used to bathe 3 to 4 times a week. Quick showers actually. I started making it cleansing ritual after coming home from work. It became something that made me mentally better. Some music, a podcast, whatever works for you, and a bit of me-time. One time a week is ok when it’s cold outside but I can imagine that people notice in summertime. They do, even if they don’t tell you. Physical care is personal care and reflects on your metal health.