It appears another "gigaleak" has gone down, involving Nintendo. According to sources online, it appears that Game Freak has been hacked, resulting in internal data from the company being leaked to the public. Those involved in the hacking community or those within general Pokemon related groups...
Nintendo aren’t the worst company. Not even the worst gaming company. Not when they have competition like Ubisoft and Warner Brothers and EA and Activision.
Of course, if it weren’t for the presence of the aforementioned companies, Nintendo would be the worst.
I mean they take like 33% of that guy named bowser’s life earnings. Which are severely reduced because they also got him thrown in jail for a felony.
That’s pretty uniquely evil
That’s hardly unique when damages exceed what a person can pay, wage garnishing is actually relatively common.
Nintendo also gave Gary Bowser a warning and he signed an agreement saying he would stop his illegal activities… and then he continued anyway.
They gave him an out at no cost and instead he landed himself in prison because he fucked around and found out.
I agree that bowser brought the final outcome on himself, however, that does not expunge Nintendo of guilt.
They continue to collect their 30% or however much it is.
In what way is Nintendo guilty?
As bad as they are, EA isn’t sending lawyers to every fan project that revives their old games, they are just regular greedy, not petty greedy. Ubisoft to this day ignores Rayman Redemption too.