Google’s AI may replace traditional websites and content creators leading to potential monopolization and diminishing user experience - Mrwhosetheboss
Google’s AI may replace traditional websites and content creators leading to potential monopolization and diminishing user experience - Mrwhosetheboss
This is insane. Idk what google is thinking.
Granted I’m jaded as fuck from only a decade and a half as a software engineer, but from where I’m standing, it’s pretty much all just c-suite circlejerking. Competent, incisive, effective, and ethical c-suite leadership that doesn’t focus primarily on finance matters is vanishingly rare these days.
I’m also a software engineer, but much earlier in my career and mostly having worked at small startups. But I hope some of the tech giants fall and make way for smaller players and innovation. But maybe that’s too optimistic.
I’ve got the same hope, buddy. It’s engineering; we solve problems. We just need to figure out how to unshackle ourselves from the hypercapitalists. Hopefully we can sort that out soon.